[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Arlene, reconciliatory gestures and coat-trailing

arleneorange.jpg I want Arlene and the Orange Order to look at this huge institution which creates division again and again every year, in a society which is already divided.

Published June 23, 2018

RSF Bodenstown Address 2018

rsfbodenstown18.jpg An abridged version of the main oration delivered by Republican Sinn Fein Ard Chomhairle member, John Joe McCusker, following the party’s annual commemorative parade to the grave of Theobald Wolfe Tone last weekend.

Published June 16, 2018

‘Real change is within our grasp’ - SF

sfaf18oneill.jpg The full text of the keynote speech by Sinn Fein Deputy Leader Michelle O’Neill to the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis 2018.

Published June 16, 2018

Dennis Heaney

dennisheaney.jpg A statement issued through the Pat Finucane Centre by the family of Dennis Heaney, who was shot dead on the streets of Derry by undercover SAS soldiers on 10th June 1978, 40 years ago this week.

Published June 9, 2018

The 1798 Rebellion

oularthill.jpg A look at the fateful Rising of the United Irishmen, which took place 220 years ago this month.

Published June 2, 2018

Remembering Ray McCreesh

raymondmccreesh2.jpg Several hundred republicans gathered in McCreesh park in Newry last weekend to honour local hunger striker Raymond McCreesh in separate events organised by Saoradh and Sinn Fein. A tribute delivered by Saoradh’s Nuala Perry.

Published May 26, 2018

London offers tracking apps instead of a border poll

borderapp.jpg How can the United Kingdom deny a border vote to the inhabitants of the Six Counties on one hand by claiming that the demand does not exist for it, while on the other the prime minister herself admits that the outcome of such a poll is uncertain?

Published May 19, 2018

Yes or No to abortion?

abortionposters2.jpg We present two sides of the republican debate on abortion rights ahead of the referendum on May 25th to remove the Eighth Amendment, which broadly prohibits it, and to allow the Dublin parliament to legislate for its provision.

Published May 12, 2018

Francis Hughes: Scourge of the UDR

francishughes3.jpg A contemporaneous account of the life of Francis Hughes following his death on May 12, 1981 while on hunger striker against the Tory criminalisation of republican prisoners. From the Starry Plough.

Published May 12, 2018

The big knock

doorbattered.jpg Sinead McCool describes what it’s like to endure PSNI harassment and a raid against your family’s home in 2018

Published May 5, 2018

5 May 1981

blackflags.jpg A contemporaneous account of events and sentiment in the aftermath of the death of Bobby Sands on this day in 1981, from the point of view of a British socialist. Originally published in Spartacist magazine.

Published May 5, 2018

Republicans torn on abortion issue

cherish.jpg Divisions among republicans on the issue of abortion have become painfully exposed by the current debate on the referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment of the 26 County constitution.

Published April 28, 2018

Irish Republicanism at a critical juncture

duleekeaster2018.jpg A speech delivered earlier this month by Peter A Rogers at the independent republican Easter commemoration in Duleek, County Meath.

Published April 21, 2018

Good Friday Ambiguity, twenty years on

ahernblairclinton.jpg Elephants filled Queen’s University’s Whitla Hall this week where a major media event was organised to mark the 20th anniversary of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.

Published April 14, 2018

A united Ireland can be a home to Arlene Foster

maryloumcdonald600.jpg The principles of the Good Friday Agreement are now central to our future, argues Sinn Fein President Mary Lou McDonald.

Published April 14, 2018

Easter speeches and statements

sfeaster18belfast.jpg A round-up of the main statements and orations by republicans at Easter 1916 commemorations this year.

Published April 7, 2018

Republicans must stand united

leliaquine.jpg The disgusting scenes from the British Armed Police in Lurgan today are enough to shock anyone; it is a throw back to what middle of the road mediocre pundits would call “the dark old days”. But to look at what happened in Lurgan today we must understand why it happened.

Published April 7, 2018

Varadkar accused of marching to British tune

mayvaradkar.jpg Irish republicans have condemned the decision by 26 County Taoiseach Leo Varadkar to expel a Russian diplomat as a flagrant disregard for Irish neutrality and have linked it to increasing militarisation within Europe.

Published March 31, 2018

Join the stand against the new gerrymander

boundariesgerrymander.jpg The DUP are behind the redrafting of constituency boundaries to hold onto as much power in the North as possible, writes Sinn Fein MP Elisha McCallion.

Published March 24, 2018

Tribute to Frank Flood

frankflood.jpg Dublin City Council has officially named a bridge in north Dublin after a 19-year-old student of University College Dublin and head of an IRA unit who was executed during the War of Independence.

Published March 17, 2018


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