Robert Emmet, United Irishman and the leader of the rebellion on 1803,
was tried for high treason in Green Street courthouse, 215 years ago
this week.
Published September 22, 2018

The exposure of Michael Jackson in Channel 4’s Ballymurphy documentary
makes it necessary to look back on his performance at The Bloody Sunday
Inquiry - and at the Inquiry’s refusal to draw proper conclusions about
his participation in the murders, his role in the cover-up, and his
perjury to the Inquiry.
Published September 15, 2018

Forty-seven years ago today a 14-year-old school girl, Annette
McGavigan, was shot dead on the streets of Derry by a British soldier.
No one was ever charged with her death and no proper investigation was
ever carried out.
Published September 8, 2018

I finally got round to watching the film ‘No Stone Unturned’ last night.
The fact that it’s on Amazon Prime means it’s available to anyone
Published September 8, 2018

A brief history of Ireland’s landmark industrial and social dispute,
between approximately 20,000 workers and 300 employers, which began in
Dublin 105 years ago this week.
Published September 1, 2018

The oration delivered by Sinn Fein Poblachtach Ard
Cisteoir and Ard Chomhairle member Diarmuid Mac Dubhghlais, Atha Cliath
at the 37th Anniversary Hunger Strike commemoration and parade in
Bundoran, County Donegal at the weekend.
Published September 1, 2018

A protest is to be held in Derry to mark the 900th day of Tony Taylor’s
internment at Maghaberry Prison.
Published August 25, 2018

The full text of the speech at Sinn Fein’s
commemoration of the North’s first civil rights march, by the former
party chairperson, Mitchel McLaughlin.
Published August 25, 2018

The bereaved of Omagh have never been short of sympathy. But they have
been starved of truth.
Published August 18, 2018

The Gaelic Athletics Association (GAA) marked the weekend’s centenary of
‘Gaelic Sunday’ with commemorative events at clubs across Ireland and
abroad and a special colour parade at Croke Park.
Published August 11, 2018

The full text of Mary Lou McDonald’s speech at Sinn
Fein’s annual 1981 hunger strike commemoration in Castlewellan, County
Down last weekend.
Published August 11, 2018

A former internee recalls Operation Demetrius, when the British Army
violently rounded up and imprisoned hundreds of nationalists and caused
almost 7,000 to flee their homes
Published August 4, 2018

Former IRA Volunteer and blanketman now historian, author and political
commentator, Anthony McIntyre, addressed a gathering which marked the
10th anniversary of the official unveiling of the Duleek Hungerstrike
Published August 4, 2018

Short of pulling out a Tricolour, the national flag of Ireland, and
setting it on fire on the dais, it is difficult to imagine how much more
undiplomatic and positively provocative the Conservative Party leader
could have been in her words and sentiments.
Published July 28, 2018

The Dublin parliament has gifted a portrait of Irish abstentionist MP
Constance Markievicz, the first woman elected to Westminster, as a
debate takes place over the refusal of Sinn Fein to take its seats
Published July 21, 2018

A brief look at the life of Martin Hurson, who fought for Irish freedom
and became the sixth to die in the 1981 hunger strike, 37 years ago
this week.
Published July 14, 2018

Those who claim to be unionist may regard
themselves as British but they live on Irish soil and are here as a
result of colonisation. They have a right to live in Ireland but they
have no right to prevent the Irish people from being part of one
historical Irish nation.
Published July 7, 2018

An oration delivered in Duleek, County Meath by Cait Trainor on the 10th
anniversary of the opening of their hunger strike memorial garden.
Published June 30, 2018

A family’s decision to make a stand over housing set in motion a chain
of events that would give rise to the civil rights movement 50 years ago
and thrust Ireland into the international spotlight.
Published June 30, 2018

This week in 1897, James Connolly was arrested and detained for
organising a series of protests in Dublin over Queen Victoria’s diamond
jubilee, some of which resulted in riots.
Published June 23, 2018
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