[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Declarations of the First Dáil

firstdail600.jpg On 21 January 1919, 100 years ago this week, the first meeting of the parliament of the revolutionary, all-Ireland Irish Republic took place.

Published January 12, 2019

Papers reveal bickering, manipulation

haugheythatcher2.jpg We publish a round-up of the state papers declassified at the turn of the year by the Dublin and London governments, dating from 1988 and 1994. Please note that, as usual, some papers have not been released for reasons of ‘state security’.

Published January 5, 2019

New Year statements 2019

2019.jpg A round-up of statements issued at the turn of the year by the leaders and leaderships of Sinn Fein and republican organisations.

Published January 5, 2019

Gardai, the Guardians of the Violence

tansgardai.jpg Retired Garda policeman Kevin Taylor has spoken about the background to the raid by a loyalist eviction gang at the McGann family home in Roscommon, who attacked him with the support of serving Gardai.

Published December 22, 2018

Resilient too inadequate a word

sineadmichaelmonaghan.jpg Resilient is too inadequate a word to describe Sinead and Michael Monaghan. Both have suffered immeasurably during the conflict.

Published December 22, 2018

Chairman’s address to the 32CSM Ard Fheis

32csm2018af.jpg The address to the recent Ard Fheis of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement, given by national chairperson Francis Mackey.

Published December 8, 2018

‘Harness the energy of all republicans’

toibindriver.jpg A speech delivered last weekend by Peadar Toibin TD at the annual commemoration for former Sinn Fein Vice President Frank Driver at Ballymore Eustace in County Kildare.

Published December 1, 2018

Loughinisland verdict, families’ vindication

loughinislandobudsman.jpg The families of those killed and injured in the Heights Bar have official vindication of the fact that RUC collusion facilitated the murder of their loved ones.

Published December 1, 2018

Remember Irish republican prisoners this Christmas

portlaoiseflag600.jpg This is the time of year when republicans traditionally remember those ‘faoi ghlas ag gallaibh’, behind bars in the cause of Ireland. This is the current list of prisoners as collated from welfare groups, families and friends.

Published November 24, 2018

No extradition of political prisoners

noextradition.jpg This week Dublin City Council became the third council to pass motions against the extradition of Irish Republicans to the North. The following is a piece by councillor Ciaran Perry explaining the campaign which saw his motion passed.

Published November 10, 2018

Seven reasons not to wear the poppy

nopoppyfield.jpg It’s time to look at the wider picture of how the poppy pays tribute to so many crimes down the years.

Published November 10, 2018

Sinn Fein at a crossroads

maryloupoppies.jpg A very poor performance by Sinn Fein in the 26 County Presidential election is causing alarm within the party over its political leadership and direction.

Published November 3, 2018

The Greysteel massacre

risingsun600.jpg A Catholic priest who comforted the bereaved after the Greysteel massacre 25 years ago has said he believes the revulsion felt after the savage mass-murder helped move the North of Ireland towards peace.

Published October 27, 2018

Farcical High Court decision backs PSNI farce

anthonymcintyre3.jpg I am now convinced that the Police Service of Northern Ireland is an elaborate prank, a kind of brilliantly large-scale Candid Camera -- and the courts are totally in on the joke.

Published October 27, 2018

Jingoism can’t disguise DUP’s reckless Brexit agenda

arlenefoster1018.jpg Arlene Foster is preparing to have a train crash Brexit in pursuit of a narrow agenda with no regard for the majority who voted to remain or for any of the people of the north.

Published October 20, 2018

Was the British government the main protagonist?

barmy1969.jpg When all disputes and diversions have been explored, we come back to one core awkward fact.

Published October 13, 2018

Seamus Costello

seamuscostello.jpg Seamus Costello was a founding member of the Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP) and the Irish National Liberation Army (INLA). He was shot dead on 5 October 1977, 41 years ago this week.

Published October 6, 2018

The Republic must constitute any future United Ireland

obradaigh18.jpg An address delivered by Sean Bresnahan to the Ruairi O Bradaigh Memorial School in Roscommon.

Published October 6, 2018

There was no going back

dukestreet600.jpg Recollections by Fionnbarra O Dochartaigh of the civil rights commemoration committee regarding the events at Duke Street which some historians characterise as the day the ‘Troubles’ began.

Published September 29, 2018

The devil and the deep blue sea

paisleywestminster.jpg When I was a lad, our History teacher used to say that people should look for signs of madness in a political leader, and when they saw it, the leader should be shunned. Unfortunately, History wasn’t listening to our teacher.

Published September 29, 2018


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