[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Republican war for freedom no criminal enterprise

hungerstrikecommemrsf19.jpg The address delivered to this year’s National Hunger Strike Commemoration in Bundoran, organised by Republican Sinn Féin, by political activist and writer, Sean Bresnahan.

Published September 14, 2019

Loyalist attack resisted in Glasgow

govanriot.jpg A first-hand account of a violent and highly orchestrated attack on a peaceful legal march for Irish Unity in Glasgow, Scotland last weekend.

Published September 7, 2019

Unity as our way back to the EU

unitypollposter.jpg There is an agreed, viable and credible way for this region to return to the EU. Why are so many on this island still so afraid of endorsing this way forward?

Published September 7, 2019

Best time in fifty years for a United Ireland

eirenuaflag.jpg A proposal for the current political situation by the Éire Nua U.S. Campaign, which is seeking the support of the United States Congress and House of Representatives to end the partition of Ireland.

Published August 30, 2019

The Pogroms

pogroms2.jpg Dominic Corr recounts how he was burned out of his home on 14th August 1969.

Published August 23, 2019

The Six Counties rise up - fifty years on

battlebogside2.jpg Statements issued by three republican parties to mark the anniversary of the Battle of the Bogside, when the cause of equality crystallised into a campaign for freedom.

Published August 17, 2019

Oration at the funeral of Margaret Doherty

margaretdoherty.jpg An oration delivered by Sinn Féin TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin at the funeral of Margaret Doherty, mother of 1981 hunger striker Kieran Doherty, who passed away last weekend.

Published August 9, 2019

‘You will not divide us’

hs19march.jpg The following is the full text of a speech delivered by Sinn Féin MEP Martina Anderson last Sunday at the hunger strike commemoration organised by the party in Strabane, County Tyrone.

Published August 9, 2019

The sh*t is starting to fly

boriscabinet.jpg We all kind of knew it would end like this. As the UK and Theresa May thrashed in futile fashion and the EU negotiators raised their eyebrows when they were talking to her and rolled their eyes when they weren’t, we all knew that the horror-show had yet to reach a climax. With Boris Johnson’s installation as British prime minister, we know that the sh*t should start flying any week now.

Published July 26, 2019

IRA appeal to the Orange Order (1932)

iraoo1932.jpg This address was distributed as leaflets in unionist districts of Belfast by IRA Volunteers and published in newspapers in July 1932.

Published July 12, 2019

Speech to Sinn Féin Bodenstown commemoration

carthybodenstown19.jpg Sinn Féin MEP for Midlands North-West Matt Carthy delivered the keynote address at the party’s Wolfe Tone commemoration in Kildare last weekend. He said that Sinn Féin remain determined to deliver the vision of Wolfe Tone “of a new Republic that can achieve so much more”.

Published June 22, 2019

Billy McKee

billymckee2.jpg A short biography of the late IRA hero by Republican Sinn Féin.

Published June 15, 2019

The hypocrisy of the cause célèbre

psnisaoradhoffice.jpg The mainstream media are indifferent to political policing when republicans are involved, Saoradh argues.

Published June 8, 2019

Election could provide catalyst for change

mcdonaldcount.jpg The elections last weekend are being seen to have had major implications for politics in Ireland and Britain, not least for Sinn Féin.

Published June 1, 2019

The numbers game

seamusmallon.jpg Former Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams responds to a call by former SDLP Deputy Leader Seamus Mallon that the Good Friday Agreement should be rewritten and a United Ireland should now be contingent on the agreement of a majority of Unionists.

Published May 25, 2019

45th anniversary of Dublin-Monaghan bombings

dublinmonaghancommem19.jpg Flowers have been laid at a memorial for the victims of the Dublin-Monaghan bombings - as victims’ families and survivors called for full disclosure of all sensitive documents relating to the atrocities.

Published May 18, 2019

‘We made history in a small but significant way’

mccloskeyelected.jpg With days to go before its first local election in the 26 Counties, Aontú’s first elected councillor, Dr Anne McCloskey, looks at a critical point in the establishment of Ireland’s newest republican political party.

Published May 18, 2019

Loughgall Martyrs - 32 years

loughgall600.jpg This week marks the 32nd anniversary of the Loughgall Martyrs, eight volunteers of the Irish Republican Army who died in a gun battle commenced by ambush by British occupation forces in the village of Loughgall, Armagh.

Published May 11, 2019

Grasp the nettle

mackeyronan.jpg An oration delivered to this year’s Ronan MacLochlainn Commemoration by Mr Francis Mackey, National Chairman of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement.

Published May 11, 2019

Easter statements 2019

dromboesf2019.jpg A round-up of the main Easter statements, messages and orations delivered by republican groups to mark the anniversary of the Easter Rising.

Published April 27, 2019


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