[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Death of Seamus Mallon

seamusmallon600.jpg Tributes have been paid following the death of Seamus Mallon, the former SDLP deputy leader and deputy First Minister who was closely involved in the peace process of the 1990s.

Published January 24, 2020

‘An injustice to one is an injustice to all’

bloodysundaymeeting.jpg The context provided by the organisers for the 2020 Bloody Sunday march.

Published January 24, 2020

‘New Decade, New Approach’ - main points

ndna.jpg The main elements of the new deal for Six-County power-sharing agreed by the Dublin and London governments and five political parties in the north of Ireland.

Published January 17, 2020

Irish unity not considered at negotiating table

stormontdealjohnson.jpg The recent attempt by an unelected member of the House of Lords to pass through a ‘Referendums Criteria Bill”, that will gerrymander any future referenda must serve as a strong reminder to all that the unstated Border Poll voting threshold for a referendum on Irish Unity needs addressed now.

Published January 17, 2020

State papers round-up

archivespic.jpg A summary of some of the information contained in declassified state papers which were released by officials over the Christmas break in Dublin, Belfast and London.

Published January 3, 2020

Jemmy Hope

jemmyhope.jpg Historian Mary McNeill says of Jemmy Hope; “He represented the almost inarticulate aspirations of the strongly revolutionary element among the Presbyterian labourers both rural and urban: he was indeed the most radical of the United Irishmen – in some respects the greatest of them all.”

Published December 21, 2019

Getting away with murder

soldiers1971.jpg No one should be forced to simply accept the fact that their family members were murdered by the state. But Boris Johnson has now admitted he doesn’t care.

Published December 21, 2019

Westminster election - constituency results

electionmap2.jpg A rundown on the outcome of the British general election in each constituency in the north of Ireland.

Published December 14, 2019

Remember republican prisoners

prisonlight.jpg December is the traditional time to remember republican political prisoners. The following is an up to date list as maintained by the Irish Republican Prisoner News Facebook page, with addresses of the prisons for sending cards and good wishes.

Published December 7, 2019

Westminster election 2019 - constituency profiles

candidates.jpg A snapshot of the 18 constituencies ahead of Thursday’s Westminster general election.

Published December 7, 2019

Victims of first Bloody Sunday remembered

headstonesbloodycroke.jpg The last three unmarked graves of the 14 people killed un the first Bloody Sunday massacre in Dublin 99 years ago have been replaced with commemorative headstones.

Published November 30, 2019

Death of Peig King

peigking.jpg Lifelong Republican Péig King of Tyrone and Dublin passed away this week. She held many senior positions in the republican movement and Cumann na mBan and is a former patron of Republican Sinn Féin. Her funeral took place with full republican honours in Glasnevin Cemetery on Friday.

Published November 23, 2019

Sinn Féin Presidential Address Ard Fheis 2019

mcdonaldsfaf19.jpg The full text of the address by Mary Lou McDonald to the Sinn Féin annual party conference in Derry last weekend.

Published November 23, 2019

Planning for Ireland’s Future

irelandsfuture.jpg This week’s initiative by Ireland’s Future is an important contribution to the ongoing debate around Brexit, the issue of rights, the need to defend the Good Friday Agreement, and the imperative of planning for Irish unity.

Published November 9, 2019

Catalonia rises up

catalanprotest1910.jpg Catalonia’s peaceful struggle for freedom has erupted into revolutionary street actions and huge demonstrations after shocking prison terms were handed down by a Spanish court to the former leaders of the Catalan government who had organised a peaceful independence referendum.

Published October 18, 2019

The Brexit deal - what they said

johnsonbrexit.jpg A deal announced between the EU and the British government allows for a form of special status for the North of Ireland in regard to single-market regulations, customs and VAT, following a transition period and subject to periodic consent being granted by the Stormont Assembly. A round-up of quotes and statements ahead of a vote on the deal at the Westminster Parliament.

Published October 18, 2019

Pressure grows for action on Scottish independence

auobmarch.jpg The biggest ever demonstration for Scottish independence was held last weekend in Edinburgh. A sea of blue and white moved through the Scottish capital as an estimated 200,000 people marched in good cheer despite damp and windy weather conditions.

Published October 12, 2019

Act now to save the Kurds

kurdsattacked.jpg The family of an Italian anti-fascist who died fighting ISIS in northern Syria has appealed for support for the Kurdish people against a Turkish invasion.

Published October 12, 2019

The Sack of Fermoy

sackoffermoy.jpg The first organised IRA action against the British Army in 1919 since the Rising was followed by the first revenge raids, 100 years ago this month.

Published September 21, 2019

‘You are stealing our future’

climateschooldublin.jpg This week saw thousands of Irish schoolchildren join others worldwide in a global protest against man-made climate change. The following is an address to the United Nations by Greta Thunberg, the Swedish student who began the school strike campaign.

Published September 21, 2019


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