[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Political establishment responsible for avoidable deaths

varadkarfoster.jpg As the daily Covid-19 death count inexorably grinds its way towards 1,000 lives lost, it is becoming increasingly clear that many of these deaths were completely avoidable.

Published April 24, 2020

Easter statements and speeches

mcdonaldeaster2020.jpg A round-up of statements and speeches issued for the Easter commmemorations 2020.

Published April 17, 2020

‘We will return to honour our patriot dead’

rsfevent.jpg An Easter statement issued in the name of the leadership of the Republican Movement (Republican Sinn Féin)

Published April 10, 2020

Provide support to all who need it

pearsedohertynew.jpg Pearse Doherty, Sinn Féin Finance Spokesperson, looks at government policy in the South as the financial implications of the Coronavirus become clear.

Published April 10, 2020

Working class being sacrificed

unequal.jpg A political analysis of the current economic and healthcare crises by Saoradh.

Published March 27, 2020

Stormont - where incompetence carries no sanction

crawfordfoster.jpg Having carried out a costly 12 month long forensic investigation into the Renewable Heat Initiative or ‘Cash for Ash’ scandal, Patrick Coghlin has failed to identify any individual responsible for the fiasco.

Published March 20, 2020

An amnesty plan worthy of a military dictatorship

mrfpic.jpg The admissions by former members of the secret, plain-clothes ‘Military Reaction Force’ suggest they were responsible for killing Irish civilians in the 1970s, writes Richard Rudkin.

Published March 13, 2020

‘Even the olives are bleeding’

charliedonnellymemorial.jpg A commemoration was held last weekend in Dungannon to mark the legacy of Tyrone socialist poet Charlie Donnelly, who died in the Spanish Civil War.

Published March 6, 2020

What next for Sinn Féin?

sftds.jpg Would you like to see Sinn Féin in government in the south? Or would they do better to form the opposition in the Dáil?

Published March 6, 2020

A fantastic moment

davidcullinaneelected.jpg A speech made at a Sinn Féin event in Waterford on Sunday night, when poll-topping candidate David Cullinane TD expressed the delight of many in his party at overcoming a history of demonisation, vilification, and state repression, is published in full below, along with an introduction by his election agent.

Published February 14, 2020

General election 2020 - list of candidates

irelandconsmap.jpg All the declared candidates in Saturday's general election in the 26 Counties. Candidates with an asterisk are outgoing TDs, republican candidates are in bold.

Published February 7, 2020

A conversation about Paul Quinn’s death

paulquinn.jpg Surely Leo Varadkar and Micheál Martin are not using this death which happened thirteen years ago as a way of halting Sinn Féin’s rise in the polls?

Published February 7, 2020

The reality of government failure

bunks.jpg An extract from a dossier titled ‘Humans of the Housing Crisis’ prepared by Sinn Féin of suffering in Ireland as a result of the housing crisis. It was compiled from submissions received by the party over six days from Tuesday 3rd December.

Published January 31, 2020

The time for change has arrived

brexitmapnew.jpg Think about it. The north is being removed from the EU tonight against the wishes of its people and without its consent.

Published January 31, 2020

Death of Seamus Mallon

seamusmallon600.jpg Tributes have been paid following the death of Seamus Mallon, the former SDLP deputy leader and deputy First Minister who was closely involved in the peace process of the 1990s.

Published January 24, 2020

‘An injustice to one is an injustice to all’

bloodysundaymeeting.jpg The context provided by the organisers for the 2020 Bloody Sunday march.

Published January 24, 2020

‘New Decade, New Approach’ - main points

ndna.jpg The main elements of the new deal for Six-County power-sharing agreed by the Dublin and London governments and five political parties in the north of Ireland.

Published January 17, 2020

Irish unity not considered at negotiating table

stormontdealjohnson.jpg The recent attempt by an unelected member of the House of Lords to pass through a ‘Referendums Criteria Bill”, that will gerrymander any future referenda must serve as a strong reminder to all that the unstated Border Poll voting threshold for a referendum on Irish Unity needs addressed now.

Published January 17, 2020

State papers round-up

archivespic.jpg A summary of some of the information contained in declassified state papers which were released by officials over the Christmas break in Dublin, Belfast and London.

Published January 3, 2020

Jemmy Hope

jemmyhope.jpg Historian Mary McNeill says of Jemmy Hope; “He represented the almost inarticulate aspirations of the strongly revolutionary element among the Presbyterian labourers both rural and urban: he was indeed the most radical of the United Irishmen – in some respects the greatest of them all.”

Published December 21, 2019


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