[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Republican Sinn Fein elects new President

dasdalton.jpg Des Dalton became the new president of Republican Sinn Fein at its Ard-Fheis [annual conference] on Sunday.

Published November 16, 2009

The political road

inlaflagsbanner.jpg Prominent socialist republican Gerry Ruddy looks at the recent recent decision by the INLA to renounce armed struggle.

Published November 12, 2009

Address to annual SF Edentubber Commemoration

edentubber.jpg Sinn Fein’s Annual Edentubber Commemoration on Sunday was addressed by Conor Murphy, the Six County Minister for Regional Development.

Published November 9, 2009

Chairman’s Address to 32CSM AGM

franciemackey.jpg The 32 County Sovereignty Movement held its Annual General Meeting in Derry on Saturday.

Published November 9, 2009

It’s time to act

getupstandup2.jpg As the Twenty-Six County budget looms ever nearer and Britain’s Stormont administration considers cut backs, there is much uncertainty and fear in working class communities throughout Ireland.

Published November 5, 2009

Colin Duffy - a victim of state persecution

colinduffy2.jpg For two decades Colin Duffy has been the target of an unrelenting campaign of persecution and victimisation by state forces within the Six Counties.

Published November 2, 2009

Daniel Hegarty

danielhegarty.jpg Relatives for Justice has campaigned on behalf of the Hegarty family in connection with the killing of their son, Daniel. The following is their profile on the case.

Published October 29, 2009

The Black Irish of Jamaica: ‘One Love’

jamaicairish.jpg The Irish are alive and well in Jamaica, writes Rob Mullally. The third and final part of a three-part series.

Published October 26, 2009

McCord addresses US Congressional hearing

raymondmccord.jpg The testimony of Raymond McCord Sr. before the US Congressional Committee on Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights and Oversight, on the subject of collusion.

Published October 22, 2009

Interview with Ruairi O Bradaigh

ruairiobradaigh3.jpg The President of Republican Sinn Fein, who recently announced he is stepping down from the position, is interviewed.

Published October 19, 2009

Red shanks, bogtrotters and pirates

montserratcrest.jpg The second part of a three-part series by Rob Mullally, from the Wild Geese, about the black Irish of Jamaica.

Published October 16, 2009

‘John didn’t kill himself’

bradygraffiti.jpg Republican prisoner John Brady had a row with his brother-in-law while on weekend parole. He ended up hanging from his laces in a PSNI cell. His family don’t believe it was suicide. A report by Suzanne Breen for the Sunday Tribune.

Published October 13, 2009

Truth can’t be the final Bloody Sunday victim

bloodysundayinquiry.jpg One of the reasons for hostility to the Bloody Sunday Inquiry is to be found in a judgement delivered in the High Court in London last Friday in the case of Khunder al-Sweady.

Published October 8, 2009

The Black Irish of Jamaica

jamaicairish.jpg A three part series on the history of the Irish settlers in Jamaica.

Published October 5, 2009

Talking about a ‘Lost Revolution’

thelostrevolution.jpg An interview with the authors of ‘The Lost Revolution’, Brian Hanley and Scott Millar. It also includes some analysis from the authors on key events covered in the book on the Official Republicans/The Workers’ Party.

Published October 1, 2009

The Lisbon Treaty is unchanged

lisboncover.jpg On Friday you have an opportunity to shape the future of Europe. The question you have to ask yourself is whether the Lisbon Treaty is a good deal for Ireland and whether it takes the European Union in the direction you want it to go

Published September 28, 2009

Lisbon hides ticking time bomb of EU defence body

euarmy.jpg The Lisbon Treaty proposes to incorporate the European Defence Agency within the institutional structure of the European Union.

Published September 24, 2009

The surrender of our fishing waters: A continental coup

fishingboat.jpg It is worth remembering when vested intersts remind you yet again of the structural funds we received from the European Union what we ourselves as a nation have given to the EU. Namely, our entire fishing waters, which was the admission price for entry.

Published September 21, 2009

The sorry saga of Shell

shellhell.jpg Maura Harrington is a spokesperson for the Shell to Sea campaign, from County Mayo, who has now been jailed four times for her opposition to the Shell Corrib gas project in north Mayo. Here she looks back at a decade of resistance by the local community and its supporters against an unwanted, dangerous and apparently corrupt exploitation of a sensitive environment.

Published September 17, 2009

Time for the transfer of powers

stormontstatue.jpg Policing has again reached a critical juncture but with a fresh opportunity to accelerate the process of change.

Published September 14, 2009


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