[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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New Year statements

2010.jpg The annual New Year statements issued by the main nationalist and republican organisations

Published January 2, 2010

1979 papers

secret.jpg A review of the declassified documents released in Dublin, London and Belfast under the 30 years rule.

Published January 2, 2010

Marie Moore

mariemoore.jpg Another old stalwart of the conflict to leave us this year was the veteran Sinn Fein activist Marie Moore who died in hospital after a long illness

Published December 28, 2009

Maud Gonne - Yeats’s Caitlin ni Houlihan

maudgonne.jpg Born during an age when women were expected to be nothing more than handsome window-dressing for their husbands, when women were expected to leave the rough and tumble world of politics to men, Maud Gonne rose above that prejudice to leave her mark on Ireland’s history.

Published December 21, 2009

Action alert for republican prisoners

prisonerbars.jpg Prisoner support groups have urged those interested to send a card or letter this holiday season to those republican prisoners currently behind bars.

Published December 17, 2009

Expanding the McBride agenda

inezmccormack.jpg An appeal to Americans to continue the MacBride agenda of change in the north of Ireland by investing twice: once for jobs, once for justice.

Published December 14, 2009

War declared on workers and the poor

workersinstruggle.jpg The Fianna Fail/Green Party budget represents a savage attack on the working class of the Twenty-Six Counties.

Published December 10, 2009

Nuclear threat from British reactors

sellafield.jpg The proposed designs for seven new British nuclear power stations, which will be built along the Irish Sea coast, have potentially lethal flaws.

Published December 7, 2009

Escape from Athlone barracks

tommaguire.jpg An account of Volunteer Tom Maguire’s escape from Athlone Barracks in 1923.

Published December 3, 2009

Address to Hogan/Martin commemoration

declankearney.jpg The full text of the keynote address by Sinn Fein strategist Declan Kearney to the commemoration this weekend in village of Dunloy to mark the 20th anniversary of the deaths of Volunteers Declan Martin and Henry Hogan.

Published November 30, 2009

Help bring the Manchester Martyrs home

manchestermartyrs.jpg Help the campaign for the Manchester Martyrs to be returned home to Ireland.

Published November 26, 2009

Johnny Walker - A terrible injustice

johnnywalker.jpg Thirty five years ago, six Irishmen were jailed for crimes they did not commit, and spent 16 years in jail before their convictions were quashed.

Published November 23, 2009

Sinn Fein pre-budget submission

sflogo.jpg The executive summary of Sinn Fein’s pre-budget submission for the 2010 calendar year.

Published November 19, 2009

The return of securocrats?

seanhughes.jpg A member of Sinn Fein in south Armagh has blamed unionists and British state security agencies for a major investigation into his finances.

Published November 16, 2009

Republican Sinn Fein elects new President

dasdalton.jpg Des Dalton became the new president of Republican Sinn Fein at its Ard-Fheis [annual conference] on Sunday.

Published November 16, 2009

The political road

inlaflagsbanner.jpg Prominent socialist republican Gerry Ruddy looks at the recent recent decision by the INLA to renounce armed struggle.

Published November 12, 2009

Address to annual SF Edentubber Commemoration

edentubber.jpg Sinn Fein’s Annual Edentubber Commemoration on Sunday was addressed by Conor Murphy, the Six County Minister for Regional Development.

Published November 9, 2009

Chairman’s Address to 32CSM AGM

franciemackey.jpg The 32 County Sovereignty Movement held its Annual General Meeting in Derry on Saturday.

Published November 9, 2009

It’s time to act

getupstandup2.jpg As the Twenty-Six County budget looms ever nearer and Britain’s Stormont administration considers cut backs, there is much uncertainty and fear in working class communities throughout Ireland.

Published November 5, 2009

Colin Duffy - a victim of state persecution

colinduffy2.jpg For two decades Colin Duffy has been the target of an unrelenting campaign of persecution and victimisation by state forces within the Six Counties.

Published November 2, 2009


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