[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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There is a better way

sfmanifestodail11.jpg The introduction and executive summary of Sinn Fein’s election manifesto for the 26-County general election later this month.

Published February 11, 2011

Imagine this tonight

prisonerbars.jpg A political candidate stands as an Independent on issues of principle during elections in Zimbabwe. Every political dirty trick and smear in the book is used against him during the campaign.

Published February 7, 2011

We shall overcome

bloodysundayvindicated.jpg Sunday was about completing the journey begun in the Creggan in January 1972.

Published February 2, 2011

Egyptian people strike for freedom

egyptprotest.jpg So much has changed for the Arab nations in the few days since the flight of Ben Ali in Tunisia.

Published January 29, 2011

Two inspirations

francishughesdanmccann.jpg Often in life we come across people who leave a lasting impression on oneself and who inspire and influence a person by their passion and beliefs.

Published January 25, 2011

Inauguration of the First Dail

firstdail.jpg Many republicans watching this week’s shambolic events at the Dublin parliament would have been bitterly aware that they came on the 92nd anniversary of the inauguration of the First Dail. A look back at that historic day.

Published January 21, 2011

Butler to step down from Assembly

Sinn Fein’s Paul Butler is to quit the Six-County assembly after what he said had been a difficult decision.

Published January 18, 2011

Tommy Gorman - Recalling the Maidstone

Tommy Gorman was one of the ‘Magnificent Seven’ who escaped from the prison Ship Maidstone in 1972, 39 years ago this week. An interview by Anthony Neeson for the Andersonstown News.

Published January 18, 2011

Basque process ‘should heed the Irish lesson’

Gerry Adams responds to the announcement by the Basque armed group Eta, confirming that organisations’ commitment to “a permanent and general ceasefire which will be verifiable by the international community”.

Published January 13, 2011

eirigi New Year Statement

eirigi.jpg A statement issued by eirigi to mark the New Year.

Published January 9, 2011

2010 - Year in review

2010.jpg A look back at the main stories from the year past.

Published January 4, 2011

Much ruin and many regrets

cowendrinking.jpg The year 2010 will be remembered principally for two profound and far reaching developments in Irish politics.

Published December 29, 2010

The 1918 general strike

conscription.jpg With calls for a general strike and civil disobedience gaining ground in the face of the economic crisis, an example in Irish history when the tactic of the general strike was successfully employed by the Irish working class.

Published December 21, 2010

Minimum wage, maximum shame

minimumwage.jpg With last Friday’s passage of legislation to cut the minimum wage by 1 euro to 7.65 euro [£6.50], another shameful threshold was crossed by the Fianna Fáil-Green Party coalition; driving yet another section of society into poverty.

Published December 17, 2010

Political prisoners Christmas 2010

prisonerbars.jpg A list of republican prisoners and the addresses of their prisons.

Published December 14, 2010

Address to Dail on 2011 Budget

prearsedohertyindail.jpg The full text of the address by Sinn Fein Finance Spokesperson Pearse Doherty following Tuesday’s 26-County Budget for 2011

Published December 10, 2010

The International Monetary Fund

imf.jpg So what is the International Monetary Fund?

Published December 7, 2010

‘Stand up and be counted’

kilmichael2008.jpg On Sunday, Sinn Fein’s Deputy First Minister addressed the Kilmichael Commemoration to mark the 90th anniversary of a famous battle during the War of Independence in County Cork on 28 November 1920.

Published November 29, 2010

Time to act

32csm.jpg A statement by the 32 County Sovereignty Committee on the crisis in the 26-County state.

Published November 29, 2010

Austerity programme must be met with civil disobedience

austerityprotest.jpg Many commentators in Ireland and beyond have asked why the Irish people have not taken to the streets.

Published November 29, 2010


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