[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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The burning of the Custom House

customhouse1900.jpg A symbolic, if costly, attack by the IRA in Dublin during the War of Independence took place 92 years ago this week.

Published May 31, 2013

The North King Street massacre

easter1916brits.jpg Fifteen civilians were shot or bayoneted to death by soldiers from the South Staffordshire regiment towards the end of the Easter Rising.

Published May 24, 2013

In memory of Jim McAllister

jimmcallister.jpg The following oration was delivered by former councillor Pat McNamee at the graveside of former colleague Jim McAllister who died of cancer last month.

Published May 10, 2013

Sinn Fein ‘the worst form of conservatives’

gerardhodgkins.jpg Former republican hunger striker Gerard Hodgkins delivered the 2013 annual Brendan Hughes memorial lecture in Derry on the 1st of May.

Published May 10, 2013

Letter from the Craigavon Two

craigavontwo2.jpg An open letter was issued on behalf of Brendan and John Paul by the 'Justice for the Craigavon Two' group ahead of the opening of their appeal this week

Published May 3, 2013

Frank Ryan remains an enigma

frankryan.jpg Why are Irish people still fascinated with Frank Ryan despite the fact that he has been dead since 1944, nearly 70 years ago?

Published May 3, 2013

The hunger for truth

faminetribunal.jpg The Great Hunger of 1845-52 raises questions that are still unanswered, and last weekend, historians, students, and members of the public gathered at Fordham University to discuss them.

Published April 26, 2013

Three years of internment

martincoreybig.jpg On Tuesday, April 16th, 2013, Lurgan man Martin Corey will have spent three years in Maghaberry Prison without any charges ever being placed against him.

Published April 19, 2013

Easter statements and orations 2013

colourparty.jpg A round-up of some of the key addresses and statements issued by republican groups to mark the anniverary of the Easter Rising.

Published April 5, 2013

Easter commemorations 2013

eastercommemorations.jpg A list of this weekend’s republican commemorations by the different political organisations involved.

Published March 29, 2013

The revolutionary alternative?

rnustanding.jpg Republican Network for Unity (RNU) has outlined its opposition to the Good Friday Agreement after announcing that it will field candidates in future local elections throughout Ireland.

Published March 22, 2013

The forgotten prisoner?

michaelcampbellbig.jpg An article by Aine Fox highlighting the situation of republican prisoner Michael Campbell, currently held in a Lithuanian jail.

Published March 15, 2013

Mairéad Farrell

maireadfarrell.jpg Mairead Farrell was 31 when she was assassinated by the SAS in Gibraltar Sunday March 6th 1988, 25 years ago this week.

Published March 8, 2013

Twisting the facts to suit British law

murneyparade.jpg Stephen Murney's family, friends and party colleagues are determined to secure his release and to expose the corrupt and unjust nature of the Six County state.

Published February 22, 2013

What now for the prisoners?

davidfordprison.png Yesterday David Ford rejected the suitability of a new body scanner for use in the prison estate based on a highly dubious report.

Published February 15, 2013

Maghaberry - the reality of strip-searching

stephenmurneybig.jpg An article by imprisoned éirígí member Stephen Murney, currently held in Maghaberry prison, on his experiences.

Published February 8, 2013

Address to Bloody Sunday commemoration

bloodysunday2013.jpg Despite freezing conditions, over five thousand people attended the annual Bloody Sunday march this year to commemorate the massacre of 14 civil rights demonstrators in Derry in 1972 and demand an ‘end to impunity’ for those responsible.

Published February 1, 2013

Dolours Price

doloursbig.jpg The homily delivered by Mgr. Raymond Murray, her prison chaplain at Armagh jail and a lifelong friend, at the funeral on Monday of Dolours Price.

Published February 1, 2013

McAliskey to address Bloody Sunday March for Justice

bloodysundaylaunch.jpg US radio talk show host Sandy Boyer (SB) interviewed Bernadette Devlin-McAliskey (BDM) about this weekend’s Bloody Sunday March in Derry. A transcript of that interview, which also ranges over other matters.

Published January 25, 2013

Demographics, attitudes crying out for a Border poll

censuscatholics2011.jpg Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams argues that the North of Ireland is in transition and is no longer ‘an orange state’.

Published January 18, 2013


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