[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Sinn Féin agree to return to Stormont

returntostormont2.jpg Three years after they collapsed, Sinn Féin has made a decision to return to the partitionist institutions at Stormont, with party leader Mary Lou McDonald stating that it is the “responsibility of every party to ensure the Executive meets”.

Published January 10, 2020

Public rises up against revisionism

tansfinegael.jpg One of the most extraordinary displays of contempt by an Irish government for its own people -- a plan to hold an official state commemoration for those who oppressed and terrorised Ireland for a century -- has been “deferred” following a huge public outcry.

Published January 10, 2020

UDA beat man to death after talks with British govt

glenquinn.jpg The unionist paramilitary UDA has been linked to the murder of Carrickfergus man Glenn Quinn, a former barman who had no paramilitary connections. His death was due to a severe beating he received after he fell out with a senior figure from the South East Antrim UDA.

Published January 10, 2020

Justice one step closer for Aidan McAnespie

mcanespie600.jpg A former British soldier is to stand trial for the 1988 killing of a Catholic man at a Crown Force checkpoint. Aidan McAnespie, 23, was walking through a border checkpoint on his way to a Gaelic football match when he was struck in the back by gunfire.

Published January 10, 2020

Hospitals crisis could trigger collapse of government

trolleysharris.jpg Amid an unprecedented crisis in Irish hospitals and with the Dublin government staggering towards an inevitable election, a group of independent TDs have put down a motion of no confidence in the Minister for Health Simon Harris.

Published January 10, 2020

Republican groups issue New Year statements

maskedberet.jpg The New IRA has issued a New Year statement in which it said it looked forward to a consolidation of the struggle against the British occupation and “vowed to meet force with force”.

Published January 10, 2020

Govts publish draft deal for Stormont

A new draft Stormont talks agreement has been presented tonight by the coveneysmith.jpg Dublin and London governments which outlines new measures to reform the Stormont institutions and calls for support for Irish and Ulster-Scots culture in the north of Ireland, but falls short of an Irish Language Act.

Published January 9, 2020

A century of cover-up for miscarriages of justice

conlonreleased.jpg More than 1,000 files on the Guildford Four, Maguire Seven and Birmingham Six, notorious miscarriage of justice cases involving innocent Irish civilians living in England, are to remain secret almost a century longer than they were supposed.

Published January 3, 2020

Dublin had challenged British on threat to lawyers

hogghaughey.jpg Revelations around a British government minister’s claim that some lawyers in the north of Ireland were “unduly sympathetic to the IRA” have further highlighted the need for a full public inquiry into the murder of Pat Finucane.

Published January 3, 2020

Politicians to meet Byrne over Christmas ‘show of strength’

crownforces.jpg PSNI Chief Simon Byrne is to meet a group of Armagh political representatives amid continuing anger over a picture he published on Christmas morning of himself posing alongside heavily armed PSNI men outside their Crown Force base in the village of Crossmaglen.

Published January 3, 2020

Reactionaries seek to derail calls for Irish Unity

martinahern600.jpg With a growing consensus around the need for a border poll to reunite Ireland in accordance with the Good Friday Agreement, right-wing politicians in the 26 Counties have been using the Christmas period to attempt to silence the calls and urge a return of the partitionist institutions at Stormont instead.

Published January 3, 2020

British bid to ‘control’ internet activism revealed

johnwheeler.jpg State papers from the 1990s have shown that the British government’s Northern Ireland Office sought to suppress and counteract the increasingly effective use of the media by republicans, including the world wide web emerging at the time.

Published January 3, 2020

English soccer match halted over anti-Irish abuse

mccleanstoke.jpg A Championship soccer match in England had to be stopped this week following an outbreak of anti-Irish racism directed against Irish international and Stoke City player James McClean.

Published January 3, 2020

Anger as PSNI Chief sends Christmas message of violence

crownforces.jpg PSNI Chief Simon Byrne has been strongly criticised after releasing a propaganda photograph of himself in the company of heavily-armed Crown Force gunmen on Christmas Day.

Published December 26, 2019

DUP’s death grip on Stormont

dupsmithhandshake.jpg The DUP have come under pressure to relinquish their veto over political change at Stormont following round-table talks over the future of the Belfast Assembly this week. Both the London and Dublin governments accused the party of blocking a pre-Christmas deal on restoring the North’s suspended political institutions.

Published December 21, 2019

MI5 agents get clearance to kill

statekiller.jpg A tribunal in England has confirmed that British military intelligence has the legal power to direct unlimited criminal offences by its agents, including torture, bombings and political assassinations.

Published December 21, 2019

Brexit seen driving Irish reunification

irishseaborder.jpg Increasing numbers of mainstream political and media figures have said they believe a united Ireland could come about within the next decade as a result of Brexit and other recent political developments.

Published December 21, 2019

Unilateral amnesty included in Tory legislative agenda

queenspeech2.jpg The new Conservative government in London has set out its intention to block future investigations into British soldiers who murdered civilians in the north of Ireland -- even as a jailed republican was found liable for a 1982 IRA attack.

Published December 21, 2019

SDLP attempt to fudge royal oath induction

eastwoodoath.jpg Two new Irish nationalist MPs have made protest statements while swearing allegiance to the British Crown in the House of Commons, a process required before they are allowed to speak in debates, vote or receive their salary at the Westminster parliament.

Published December 21, 2019

Scottish govt seeks referendum, backs ‘legal’ route to independence

sturgeonflags.jpg Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has officially begun the process of holding an independence referendum, calling on the London government to transfer the power to do so.

Published December 21, 2019


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