[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Cover-up claim `outrageous' - Bloody Sunday General

The British Army's most senior officer told the Bloody Sunday Inquiry today that he was not involved in a cover-up of the massacre of 13 Irish civil rights demonstrators by British forces in Derry on January 30, 1972. A fourteenth died later from his injuries.

Published October 15, 2003

Raising a family in Dublin

I see they have jailed a nursing mother for one week for protesting over the waste tax. This mother's child stays with her at night in Mount Joy and goes home with its father to Dorset St. during the day. The treatment of this mother by the state in the republic comes as no surprise.

Published October 15, 2003

UDA power struggle in north Belfast

New infighting among unionist paramilitaries has led to at least one central figure in the UDA fleeing the country.

Published October 15, 2003

UUP feud erupts again

Jeffrey Donaldson, one of the three anti-Agreement Ulster Unionist MPs who defied party leader, David Trimble, says he's having second thoughts about re-entering the party fold.

Published October 15, 2003

Ahern admits adviser held talks with dissidents

The Irish Prime Minister, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, has confirmed that, despite previous denials, his former special adviser on the North held a meeting with a Republican dissident group.

Published October 15, 2003

Will handshake lead to elections?

(from the Irish People)

We all learned recently that Gerry Adams and David Trimble shook hands for the very first time in the early summer.

Published October 15, 2003

Protestor injured as bin charge row escalates

An anti-bin charge protestor has been hospitalised after an incident at a bin depot yesterday, marking a potentially dangerous escalation of a major dispute over the new charge for waste collection in Dublin.

Published October 15, 2003

Cover-up claim `outrageous' - Bloody Sunday General

The British Army's most senior officer told the Bloody Sunday Inquiry today that he was not involved in a cover-up of the massacre of 13 Irish civil rights demonstrators by British forces in Derry on January 30, 1972. A fourteenth died later from his injuries.

Published October 15, 2003

Dissident bomb attack in Fermanagh

Dissident republicans have been blamed for an attempted bomb attack on a PSNI police station in the border village of Roslea on Saturday night.

Published October 13, 2003

Divided island seeks Irish help for peace

Political representatives from Sinn Féin and the loyalist Progressive Unionist Party have taken part in talks to advance the peace process on the island of Sri Lanka.

Published October 13, 2003

Negotiators involved in London summit

A full-scale summit is being held in London today as efforts to secure agreement on the future of the peace process reach a climax ahead of an expected announcement of elections to the Belfast Assembly.

Published October 13, 2003

Paddy and Collette's story

In the last 20 years, the number of young men in the Six Counties that have committed suicide has more than doubled. AINE Ni BHRIAIN talks to a Belfast couple who are still struggling to come to terms with the loss of their son

Published October 13, 2003

Report due on Dublin/Monaghan attacks

The Dublin government will receive the Barron report into the 1974 bombings in Dublin and Monaghan in the next two weeks, it has been reported.

Published October 13, 2003

Sanctions body meets for first time

The Independent Monitoring Commission which has been set up by the Irish and British governments to adjudicate on paramilitary ceasefires and other peace process issues, met for the first time yesterday.

Published October 13, 2003

Separation vs. Segregation

``The people who voted for the Agreement, which included the desperately difficult issue of the early release of paramilitary prisoners, did so on the basis that there would be no place for anyone who would use violence to achieve political ends. ``

Published October 13, 2003

Thousands march in support of jailed bin tax protestors

Thousands of protesters staged a rally outside Mountjoy Prison in Dublin on Saturday to demand the release of jailed anti-bin charge campaigners.

Published October 13, 2003

When history was made

By Michelle Gildernew

In Caledon, County Tyrone there is a small housing development called Kinnard Park, a place that I had never been to until I was an adult, but somewhere that I heard about throughout my childhood. It was here in 1968 that my family were evicted from a house in an event that was to have major implications for my future and that of this country.

Published October 10, 2003

Para wanted to shoot Martin McGuinness

A former British soldier who wanted to take Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness ``dead or alive'' on Bloody Sunday claimed he had him in his rifle sights during earlier street disturbances in Belfast.

Published October 10, 2003

UUP feud ends amid poll threat

Three dissident Ulster Unionist MPs are to rejoin the party's group at Westminster following a hardening of the party's attitude to the Good Friday Agreement.

Published October 10, 2003

Warped economic agenda


What is going on with cutbacks in jobs in education and health? Isn't there a crisis in these sectors? What is the government doing?

Published October 10, 2003


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