[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Reunification through Planned Integration

The following is the introduction to Sinn Féin's Strategy Framework Document, Reunification through Planned Integration: Sinn Féin's All Ireland Agenda.

Published October 22, 2003

The deal that never was

Efforts resumed today to rescue a deal with the potential to revive the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, with the Irish and British governments coming under pressure from both Sinn Féin and the Ulster Unionists.

Published October 22, 2003

Tribunal hears of bribe in Dáil bar

There was further pressure on a government TD last night after the Mahon tribunal heard claims he took a 2,000 pound bribe in the bar of the Irish parliament.

Published October 22, 2003

Move to overhaul farmers' support payments welcomed

The Minister for Agriculture in Dublin, Joe Walsh, is to push ahead with a plan to make farmers' support payments independent from their agricultural production.

Published October 20, 2003

Nervous days for high-wire process

Certainty, and the lack of it, is concerning nationalist and unionist negotiators as the ingredients of a potentially historic deal to bring about the full and final implementation of the Good Friday Agreement are being put in place.

Published October 20, 2003

John Kelly to resign from Sinn Féin

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has paid tribute to veteran republican John Kelly who has announced that he will resign from the party and not seek re-election to the assembly.

Published October 20, 2003

Gardaí 'allowed Omagh bomb to cross border'

Senior Irish police ignored a clear warning about the 1998 Omagh bomb to protect an informer, according to a Sunday newspaper report.

Published October 20, 2003

Peadar O'Donnell on stage

The life and times of Peadar O'Donnell, republican activist and soldier, socialist, campaigner for workers' rights and prolific writer, narrated by Derry-based singer Joe Mulheron, was both inspiring and entertaining while never losing sight of O'Donnell's humanity.

Published October 20, 2003

Remembering Sheena Campbell

On 16 October 1992., a young mother was shot dead in the York Hotel on Botanic Avenue in Belfast. The killing was carried out by a lone UVF assassin, who had strolled casually into the hotel bar, his face covered by a scarf, a hat pulled low over his eyes. He looked around the room before calmly walking over to a table where three young people were sitting talking, unaware of his approach. He produced an automatic machine pistol and fired it at 29-year-old Sheena Campbell, striking her several times in the chest and throat.

Published October 20, 2003

UDA targets former representatives

The unionist paramilitary UDA has begun targeting former members of its political wing who do not back its anti-Good Friday Agreementstance.

Published October 20, 2003

Irish Prisoners Treated Harshly In U.S. Custody


What is it about Irishmen, the inside of prisons and freedom? If you asked Ciaran Ferry, currently being held in solitary in Denver, at the pleasure of the United States Justice Department and the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, he might start out with the following brief story.

Published October 20, 2003

What is the meaning of Arts?

The Arts Council refused to fund Joe Mulheron's recent performance about Peadar O Donnell. The Arts Council must give reasons for this decision, but underlying it is the question of what is the meaning of Arts?

Published October 17, 2003

British Arts Council funds loyalist murder gangs

The British Arts Council has given more than £100,000 of lottery money to fund unionist paramilitary `Kick the Pope' bands, including one closely identified with UVF and Red Hand Commandos.

Published October 17, 2003

Former IRA men to counter Bloody Sunday claims

A Derry Sinn Féin councillor is expected to tell the Bloody Sunday Inquiry that he was the leader of the junior wing of the IRA in the city on the day.

Published October 17, 2003

East Timor President visits Belfast

President Xanana Gusmao of East Timor has met republican and loyalist groups in west Belfast in a historic visit by the leader of the recently liberated Asian island nation.

Published October 17, 2003

North's electoral Office `forgets' Republican estates

The Six-County electoral office has admitted that thousands of voters in the nationalist Poleglass Estate of Belfast were ``overlooked'' during its recent voter registration drive, and thousands more will not have the photographic identification required to claim their vote.

Published October 17, 2003

Five days left for deal - Ahern

Talks are continuing in Belfast and Brussels after the Irish Prime Minister, Bertie Ahern, declared Wednesday as the effective deadline for the announcement of a deal to end the stalemate over the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.

Published October 17, 2003

Thomas Russell (1767-1803), United Irishman

`Into our townlan', on a night of snow,
Rode a man from God-knows- where;'

Published October 17, 2003

PSNI `used nationalists as shields'

The PSNI police has been accused of using nationalist residents as shields during a dissident republican attack in County Fermanagh last week.

Published October 17, 2003

Protestor injured as bin charge row escalates

An anti-bin charge protestor has been hospitalised after an incident at a bin depot yesterday, marking a potentially dangerous escalation of a major dispute over the new charge for waste collection in Dublin.

Published October 15, 2003


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