[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Adams urges DUP to oppose unionist violence

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams yesterday said the DUP needed to consider the implications of its new-found prominence on violent unionism.

Published December 8, 2003

The Lollipop Man


One Sunday during the recent election SDLP leader Mark Durkan went for a photo-shoot on the bridge between Strabane and Lifford. On another occasion he stopped traffic on a main road to be photographed as a lollipop man carrying a pole bearing the circular sign, `Stop The DUP'.

Published December 8, 2003

Collusion suspected in gun attacks

Between eight and 10 houses belonging to republicans in west Belfast were targeted in gun attacks on Friday evening in the Finagy, Riverdale and Lenadoon areas.

Published December 8, 2003

Alternative budget existed

Sinn Féin Spokesperson on Social and Community Affairs Sean Crowe TD made the following remarks during the Budget debate in the Dail.

Published December 5, 2003

Not by the people, not of the people

Around this time last year, you read in this publication three concerns of mine: the failure of the British government to abide by democratic norms in calling an election; the failure of all parties to engage the DUP in any meaningful way; and the failure of unionism to take part in the peace process.

Published December 5, 2003

`Smoke and mirrors' budget criticised

The Dublin Finance Minister's budget for the 26-County economy in 2004 has received a broadly hostile response.

Published December 5, 2003


A former RUC detective has claimed that police informers who carried out murders were later shielded from prosecution.

Published December 5, 2003

Haass ends role as U.S. special envoy

President Bush's special envoy to Ireland has completed his final round of talks with the northern political parties with a message of hope.

Published December 5, 2003

Policing violence concern as Lundy returns to Derry

Up to 2,000 members of the Protestant Apprentice Boys organisation and 21 bands are expected in Derry for the annual Lundy's Day march on Saturday.

Published December 5, 2003

Sellafield debris washes ashore on Down coast

Sections of discharge pipe from the Sellafield nuclear processing plant have been found washed up on beaches in County Down.

Published December 5, 2003

Victims call for Cory reports publication

A nationalist victims' group has called on the British government to publish the Cory report into British collusion with loyalist paramilitaries.

Published December 5, 2003

One extreme

In February 1974, in a Westminster general election, 11 out of the North's then 12 constituencies returned anti-Agreement unionists.

Published December 1, 2003

Attempts underway to censor Cory report

The Canadian judge appointed to look into a number of high-profile assassinations in which there were widespread allegations of British Crown force collusion has recommended four inquiries.

Published December 1, 2003

Expensive Ireland lags behind competitors - report

Ireland is now the joint most expensive country in the eurozone with one of the highest inflation rates, it was announced today.

Published December 1, 2003

Malachy McAllister

Malachy McAllister, or `Mock' as we knew him was a close childhood friend. ----- KEYWORDS:

Published December 1, 2003


The British government has refused nationalist calls to lift its suspension of the power-sharing institutions in the North of Ireland following Wednesday's election to the Belfast Assembly.

Published December 1, 2003

Adams's address to new Assembly team

The following is part of the address by Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams as his party of newly-elected Assembly members gathered for the first timee at Stormont today.

Published December 1, 2003

Round-up of election news

The Sinn Féin election machine almost pulled off a spectacular coup in Belfast, nearly winning eight seats in the four constituencies having run nine candidates.

Published December 1, 2003

Trimble unmoved by resignation calls

A reported attempt by Ulster Unionist Party hardliner Jeffrey Donaldson to depose David Trimble as party leader following last week's election failed to materialise today.

Published December 1, 2003


As the dust begins to settle following Wednesday's Assembly election, Republican joy at Sinn Fein's success has been tempered by near-misses in many areas and the deep crisis now facing the peace process.

Published November 28, 2003


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