[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Govt opposes public inquiry on bombings

The Irish Government is to oppose a full judicial inquiry into the 1974 Dublin/Monaghan bombings, following publication of the Barron report.

Published December 12, 2003

UUP purge on Donaldson

Anti-Agreement Ulster Unionist MP Jeffrey Donaldson has been ordered to support the leadership of the Ulster Unionist Party or face expulsion.

Published December 12, 2003

Terms of reference of a public inquiry

The Justice for the Forgotten Committee has made the following proposals for a public inquiry in advance of the publication of the interim report by Justice Henry Barron this week.

Published December 12, 2003

Fermanagh pensioner escapes injury after bomb attack

The home of the 92-year-old mother of a former senior Ulster Unionist was bombed in an attack that has been blamed on republican dissidents.

Published December 12, 2003

UUP purge on Donaldson

Anti-Agreement Ulster Unionist MP Jeffrey Donaldson has been ordered to support the leadership of the Ulster Unionist Party or face expulsion.

Published December 12, 2003

Mitchell Reiss replaces Haass

A US government official with experience on nuclear disarmament is replace President George W. Bush's special envoy to Ireland, Dr Richard Haass.

Published December 12, 2003

Sinn Fein seeks to break talks stalemate

Sinn Féin is urging the Dublin and London governments to take a strong line with the DUP following its strong performance in the recent elections to the Belfast Assembly in the North.

Published December 12, 2003

The Good Friday Agreement and Beyond

The following article by Gerry Ruddy reflects the opinions of the Irish Republican Socialist Party, of which he is an Ard Chomhairle member. It was first printed in `Models of Governance: The Good Friday Agreement and beyond - Some Personal Reflections' published by Coiste Na Iarchimi.

Published December 10, 2003

Catholic children evacuated after Bushmills mob attack

A group of Catholic school children were attacked while on a residential course in County Antrim.

Published December 10, 2003

Group demands the truth on collusion

The lobby group, An Fhirinne, has handed in a letter of complaint for the attention of British Secretary of State Paul Murphy during a picket to highlight collusion between British crown forces and unionist paramilitary death squads.

Published December 10, 2003

Electoral Commission blasted for losing voters

The North's Electoral Commission has admitted that certain groups have been left without a vote by new registration requirements.

Published December 10, 2003

SF looks to extend electoral success to Europe

Sinn Fein has launched its candidates for next year's European elections.

Published December 10, 2003


Govt was `disinterested' in 1974 bombings

A report report by former Irish Supreme Court judge Mr Justice Henry Barron on the 1974 Dublin-Monaghan bombings has raised more questions than it has answered.

Published December 10, 2003

IRA quartermaster denies arms used on Bloody Sunday

A former quartermaster in the mainstream IRA today described claims that Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness was armed on Bloody Sunday as ``ludicrous''.

Published December 10, 2003

Irish poverty doubled in last ten years - report

A major new report from the Economic and Social Research Institute has found that relative poverty in the 26 Counties has more than doubled since 1994, while the depth of poverty being experienced has increased substantially.

Published December 10, 2003

The Lollipop Man


One Sunday during the recent election SDLP leader Mark Durkan went for a photo-shoot on the bridge between Strabane and Lifford. On another occasion he stopped traffic on a main road to be photographed as a lollipop man carrying a pole bearing the circular sign, `Stop The DUP'.

Published December 8, 2003

Collusion suspected in gun attacks

Between eight and 10 houses belonging to republicans in west Belfast were targeted in gun attacks on Friday evening in the Finagy, Riverdale and Lenadoon areas.

Published December 8, 2003

DUP to hold talks with Dublin

Ian Paisley's Democratic Unionist Party is to hold talks with the Irish government to discuss the party's possible participation in a review of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, to get underway next month.

Published December 8, 2003

Files throw light on the death of a martyr

British files on the death of Terence MacSwiney, after 74 days of hunger strike in 1920, have been revealed.

Published December 8, 2003


Members of the British intelligence services have blocked the publication of the Cory Report, according to reports at the weekend.

Published December 8, 2003


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