[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Pressure is mounting on the British government to release the findings of Judge Peter Cory's probes into cases of British Crown force collusion in murders carried out by loyalist paramilitaries.

Published December 19, 2003

Public inquiry needed

Last night in the Dáil, Kerry North Sinn Féin TD Martin Ferris raised the need to hold a public inquiry into the issues highlighted by the Barron Report. The following is his contribution.

Published December 17, 2003

English police charge Adairs with drug-dealing

The wife and son of notorious loyalist gangleader Johnny ``Mad Dog'' Adair have been charged with conspiracy to supply hard drugs.

Published December 17, 2003

Victims of the 1974 attacks on Dublin, Monaghan

A brief biography of all of the victims of the 1974 bomb attacks in Dublin and Monaghan from the Barron report.

Published December 17, 2003

Figures show PSNI 92% Protestant, council discrimination

Figures released today show that the PSNI police has a membership which is 91.6% Protestant, fuelling the debate on the failure of the Patten police reform process.

Published December 17, 2003


British refusing to publish Cory report

The Minister for Justice in the 26 Counties, Michael McDowell, has controversially refused to publish a report on allegations that the Garda police failed to act on a tip-off which could have prevented the 1998 Omagh bombing.

Published December 17, 2003

Homes damaged in south Armagh raids by PSNI

The PSNI has been accused of `deliberately vandalising' homes in the South Armagh area over the past number of weeks. The latest raids came this morning when two homes were smashed into in the Belleek area.

Published December 17, 2003

Loyalists mount attacks in Belfast

Three republicans had their homes attacked overnight.

Published December 17, 2003

Direct Rule `unsustainable' - Adams

The Sinn Féin president, Mr Gerry Adams, has said the DUP and its leader Ian Paisley cannot be allowed to act as a ``brake'' on the peace process.

Published December 17, 2003


The Irish Prime Minister, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, and the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair meet in London Wednesday to hold `talks about talks' with some of the Northern parties.

Published December 15, 2003

Spy sent secrets to Queen

A former British Army agent has been threatened with jail after writing two letters to Buckingham Palace about collusion between unionist paramilitaries and British forces in Ireland.

Published December 15, 2003

Taxpayers could pay for bomb inaction

Ireland could face demands for millions of euro in reparations after Justice Henry Barron's report into the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings report.

Published December 15, 2003

Cosgrave owes us an explanation

(from the Sunday Business Post)

In years to come when historians begin to search for an explanation for the behaviour of the Cosgrave government to its own mass-murdered citizens in relation to the Dublin and Monaghan bombs, I have no doubt they will still feel as astounded as we all felt on reading last Wednesday's Barron Report.

Published December 15, 2003

Police reform `undermined' by return to Gough

An infamous interrogation centre is still being used by British forces despite its official closure last year.

Published December 15, 2003

British accused of planting device

A man controversially acquitted in September of a dissident republican attack at a polling station two years ago has claimed he found a bugging device on his car.

Published December 15, 2003

`No more plastic bullets' call for Christmas

Lobby group Relatives for Justice has called on the British government to stand by its commitment to ban plastic bullets by this Christmas.

Published December 15, 2003

Meeting Challenges, Seizing Opportunities

Another in our series of articles presenting the viewpoint of the various political parties in the North. Here, the Green Party presents its arguments.

Published December 15, 2003

Ahern denies backing war on Iraq

Irish Prime Minister, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern was attacked today for comments in which he claimed he had always been opposed to the war in Iraq.

Published December 12, 2003

Not by the people, not of the people

Around this time last year, you read in this publication three concerns of mine: the failure of the British government to abide by democratic norms in calling an election; the failure of all parties to engage the DUP in any meaningful way; and the failure of unionism to take part in the peace process.

Published December 12, 2003

The Future of Northern Nationalism

In a series of feature articles looking at the policies of the northern nationalist and republican parties, the following is a speech given by Mark Durkan, Leader of the SDLP as the Irish Association in April this year.

Published December 12, 2003


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