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Review of the Year 2003

A month-by-month look back at the events of the year.

Published December 29, 2003


Next month's review of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement must be limited to one month, Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams said today [Monday]

Published December 29, 2003

Racial attacks escalate in North

Weekend arson attacks which badly damaged two homes were the latest in a string of racially motivated attacks.

Published December 29, 2003

Republican anger as prison leave denied

Political representatives of the INLA, a small republican armed group, has said its understanding with the 26-County government is in trouble following its refusal to allow former leader Dessie O'Hare home leave over the holiday period.

Published December 29, 2003

U.S. extradition treaty `violates civil liberties'

The American Civil Liberties Union has come out against the ratification of a new extradition treaty between Britain and the United States, saying that the measure contains a number of ill-considered erosions of judicial review and would threaten the due process rights of Americans and others accused of crimes by the British government.

Published December 29, 2003

Truth, reconciliation, peace

It was interesting to read today that a member of the IRA unit which carried out the 1972 bombing in the village of Claudy has apologised to a relative of a victim of the attack.

Published December 22, 2003

The Dublin and Monaghan Bombings

The Dublin and Monaghan Bombings, by Don Mullan, reviewed by Liam O Ruairc

Published December 22, 2003


The tragic deaths of two British Army pilots in a helicopter crash in County Derry has refocused attention on the dangers posed by Britain's continuing military presence in the North of Ireland.

Published December 22, 2003

Ex-Ministers criticise Barron report; Omagh families appeal

Controversy over the Barron report into the 1974 loyalist bombings of Dublin and Monaghan has continued over the weekend.

Published December 22, 2003

Police list highlights anti-Irish racism in Britain

British police have maintained a secret list of all Irish people, regardless of whether they are suspected of breaking the law, it has emerged.

Published December 22, 2003

PSNI suspected as Twinbrook homes attacked

Sinn Féin Lisburn Councillor Sue Ramsey has expressed concern and warned residents in west Belfast to be vigilant after her home, along with another in Twinbrook, was attacked on Friday night.

Published December 22, 2003

SF refutes criminality accusation

Sinn Fein's office in Dublin has published accounts for the first time yesterday in an effort to counter allegations of wrongdoing by Dublin's Justice Minister.

Published December 22, 2003

UUP MPs consider position in wake of Donaldson resignation

Tensions within David Trimble's Ulster Unionist Party are continuing following the resignation from the party last week of prominent dissident Jeffrey Donaldson and two fellow elected members of the Belfast Assembly.

Published December 22, 2003

British govt must become part of the solution

(from irelandclick.com)

Today's refusal by the British government to publish Judge Peter Cory's report into collusion between the security forces and the murderers of Pat Finucane, Rosemary Nelson, Robert Hamill and Billy Wright is a slap in the face to the families of the victims and everyone who has campaigned for a new human rights-based culture in the North of Ireland.

Published December 19, 2003

Decision to suppress Nally report condemned

Relatives of the those who died in the 1998 Omagh bomb have criticised the withholding of a report into allegations that the Garda police in the 26 Counties could have prevented the bombing, which claimed 29 lives.

Published December 19, 2003

Donaldson to align with DUP

Unionist hardliner Jeffrey Donaldson has finally severed his connections with David Trimble's Ulster Unionist Party, and will join forces with Ian Paisley's Democratic Unionist Party in next month's review of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.

Published December 19, 2003

Give us back our language

A demonstration took place at the European Union offices in Dublin today over the status of the Irish language.

Published December 19, 2003


Pressure is mounting on the British government to release the findings of Judge Peter Cory's probes into cases of British Crown force collusion in murders carried out by loyalist paramilitaries.

Published December 19, 2003

Loyalist released after blaming gun on dog

A judge at Belfast Crown Court has released a north Belfast loyalist who claimed that a handgun found in his bedroom had been dragged in by his dog.

Published December 19, 2003

Sectarian mob rampage in north Belfast

A loyalist mob attack nationalist homes in north Belfast yesterday before attacking police who attempted to intervene.

Published December 19, 2003


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