[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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IRA men testify at Bloody Sunday Inquiry

This week saw former IRA Volunteers give evidence at the Bloody Sunday inquiry into the British Army's massacre of civilians in Derry on January 30, 1972.

Published January 16, 2004

Scappaticci in libel action

Freddie Scappaticci, the man who denies media reports that he is the British Army spy `Stakeknife', who is said to have infiltrated the IRA, has launched a libel action against the Sunday People newspaper.

Published January 16, 2004

UDA violence could signal major escalation

Unionist paramilitaries have been blamed for a wave of bomb alerts in Belfast following a jail riot and attacks on the homes of republicans.

Published January 16, 2004

Presidential election possible

A presidential election is likely in the 26 Counties after a Labour Party spokesman said yesterday that the party leadership believed it should run a candidate.

Published January 14, 2004

Break cycle of oppression - RIRA<

The ‘Real IRA’ has called on Irish Republicans “to unite to defend the republic and to remain true to the core objectives of Republicanism”.

Published January 14, 2004

Trimble against proposal to bypass DUP

Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble last night questioned the point of holding talks on voting rules in the Belfast Assembly in an apparent hardening of his position ahead of the all-party review of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, to get under way at the end of the month.

Published January 14, 2004

DPP man victim of intimidation

Dissident republicans in west Tyrone have targeted a member of the local District Policing Partnership (DPP) for the second time in three days.

Published January 14, 2004

Deja vu

(for the Andersonstown News)

The political fall-out from Hugh Orde’s laying of the blame for the Northern Bank robbery at the door of the IRA has uncanny parallels with another meticulously planned and executed job - the break-in at Castlereagh on the evening of March 17, 2002.

Published January 14, 2004


A battle over political credibility has continued in the wake of the bank robbery in Belfast last month, an incident which Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams warned is being “used to kill the peace process”.

Published January 14, 2004

Harassment and intimidation of nationalists

The British Crown forces have been accused of sustaining a campaign of harassment of nationalists and their polticial representatives in Counties Tyrone and Antrim.

Published January 14, 2004

Loyalists freed on charges

A unionist paramilitary has walked free from court despite admitting gathering ‘targeting’ information on republicans. The offence carries a 10-year maximum jail sentence.

Published January 14, 2004

SF selects Westminster candidates

Sinn Féin has confirmed Caitriona Ruane will attempt to seize the South Down Westminster seat from the SDLP’s Eddie McGrady in this year’s British general election.

Published January 14, 2004

The status of Irish

The pomp and circumstance of the Irish Presidency of the European Union will be there for all to see in the next six months as politicians and venues are prepared to give Irish culture and tourism a shot in the arm. But it would be a pity if the commitment to Irish culture was seen to be only skin deep.

Published January 14, 2004

Campaign grows for Irish in Europe

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has written to the Taoiseach urging him to secure official status for the Irish language during the Irish presidency of the European Union.

Published January 14, 2004

Depraved attack on Milltown Cemetery

Loyalists have been blamed for the desecration of the grave of Gerry Adams's father and for leaving a suspect pipe-bomb at a memorial plot to Bobby Sands and other republicans.

Published January 14, 2004

Confronting the killers

Firinne, the victims group campaigning for the truth about collusion between British state agents and agencies and Unionist death squads in the killing of citizens in Ireland is to hold a mass picket at the headquarters of British Intelligence in London on February 4.

Published January 14, 2004

Finucanes seek judicial review

Mrs Geraldine Finucane is seeking a judicial review to force the British government to publish the Cory reports.

Published January 14, 2004


British shamed as Cory acts

The British government's continuing failure to publish a report into four cases of alleged collusion is developing into a fresh crisis of confidence for the peace process.

Published January 14, 2004

Toward a United Ireland

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams this evening gave the following address at the national launch of the ‘An Cead’ events to mark the 100 year anniversary of Sinn Féin at the Mansion House, Dublin. The following is an edited vesion of Mr Adams’s address.

Published January 14, 2004

One Extreme


In February 1974, in a Westminster general election, 11 out of the North's then 12 constituencies returned anti-Agreement unionists. They were opposed to the Sunningdale Agreement, which had been negotiated a few months earlier between the Ulster Unionist party, under Brian Faulkner, and the SDLP, under Gerry Fitt.

Published January 12, 2004


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