[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Further details of FRU revealed

Members of the British Army's murderous `Dirty War' unit, the FRU (Force Research Unit), also known as JSG (Joint Services Group) have been named on a U.S. based website.

Published January 26, 2004

Detainees beaten after Galway protest

The first major protests of Ireland's presidency of the European Union took place last weekend in Galway, with a number of groups speaking out on issues ranging from racism to fishing in Connemara. They coincided with a meeting of employment/social affairs ministers in a city-centre hotel. The largest demonstration took place under the banner ``Another Europe Is Possible'', in Eyre Square, close to the venue, and was attended by around 500 people.

Published January 26, 2004

Children targeted by UDA booby-trap; Ahern meets UDA

Children escaped serious injury yesterday when an apparent booby-trap device, which had the potential to kill, failed to ignite at a west Belfast sports club.

Published January 26, 2004

British govt discusses violence with UDA group

The unionist paramilitary Ulster Defence Association cannot seriously be considered to be on ceasefire, the British government has admitted.

Published January 23, 2004

Battle for Irish-American votes

The peace process in Ireland has featured in debate surrounding the U.S. Presidential election in November.

Published January 23, 2004


Rhetoric levels rise ahead of historic meeting

A meeting in London next week with Ian Paisley's Democratic Unionist Party has been described as ``enormously significant'' and ``historic'' by the Irish Prime Minister, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern.

Published January 23, 2004

SF fury at funding allegations

Dublin's Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell, has maintained his verbal offensive on Sinn Féin by repeating that IRA criminal activity is being used to help fund the party.

Published January 23, 2004

New base opening hours criticised

The British government has been accused of reneging on a commitment to shut down a military barracks in west Belfast.

Published January 23, 2004

UDA warns against Catholic population growth

A statement by the Ulster Political Research Group in north Antrim has warned Protestants to be on the alert over the growth in the Catholic population.

Published January 23, 2004

Report on criminal justice reforms

The first report on the implementation of proposed reforms to the north's judicial system has raised questions over whether the process will ever be completed.

Published January 23, 2004

What if Paisley used his powers for good?

President of the Irish National Caucus in Washington DC

First of all, full disclosure: I've always had a soft spot for Dr Paisley. This seems to surprise many people, although I know I am by no means the only Northern Ireland Catholic who feels this way about the good reverend.

Published January 23, 2004

Buried Secrets and Brutal Truths


`The Blade' is a relatively small family newspaper in the Ohio city of Toledo with a reputation for investigative journalism. A few months ago it published a series of articles, `Buried Secrets, Brutal Truths', after being tipped off about some classified documents. Two journalists spent eight months piecing together the story of Tiger Force, a platoon of the US military operating in the Central Highlands of Vietnam in 1967. (This is distinct from the My Lai massacre of 500 defenceless civilians in March 1968.)

Published January 21, 2004

Brown family to prevent new PSNI `investigation'

Relatives of Sean Brown are to mount a legal challenge to block a new PSNI investigation into his murder following the publication of findings by the North's Police Ombudsman that the original police investigation was inadequate.

Published January 21, 2004

Dublin govt taken to task on EU agenda

Sinn Féin Dail leader Caoimhghin O Caolain said that many in the political establishment are ``more concerned with creating a United States of Europe than about achieving a United Ireland''.

Published January 21, 2004

Bloody Sunday Programme of Events 2004

The line-up of events in the Bloody Sunday commemorations.

Published January 21, 2004

Finucane family granted leave to apply for review

The High Court in Belfast has allowed the Finucane family to proceed with their case to force the British government to publish the Cory Report.

Published January 21, 2004


Call for bombings inquiry to be abandoned

Three families of those killed in the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings have demanded that the newly opened parliamentary inquiry into the atrocities be abandoned.

Published January 21, 2004

Pressure on British ahead of review

Irish foreign minister Brian Cowen tomorrow meets with British Direct Ruler Paul Murphy on next month's review of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement as part of a discussion by the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference.

Published January 21, 2004

PSNI involved in clashes with youths

It has emerged that there were two separate riots last weekend involving nationalist youths and the PSNI police.

Published January 21, 2004

Catholic schools targeted

Two north Belfast Catholic schools were at the centre of bomb alerts today which were blamed on the unionist paramilitary UDA.

Published January 19, 2004


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