[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Man charged after PSNI harassment

The owner of a Bed & Breakfast on Antrim Road in north Belfast said he could not believe that he was being prosecuted after PSNI intimidated and harassed him in his own home.

Published March 8, 2004

Sectarian attacks follow Celtic success

Houses and cars of Catholic residents in north Belfast were attacked last night in disturbances linked to a soccer match in Glasgow.

Published March 8, 2004

Surfers shocked as chopper crash-lands

An British Army helicopter came down on a crowded beach in County Antrim on Saturday after a suspected engine fire.

Published March 8, 2004

UUP leadership drama goes on

Ulster Unionist Party leader David Trimble has survived a vote on a letter criticising his leadership, with 11 of the party's Assembly members voting against him.

Published March 8, 2004

Sinn Féin criticised by IRA veteran

A storm has arisen after IRA veteran and former Sinn Féin assembly member John Kelly criticised the actions of some in the party who he said had attempted to silence and sideline him.

Published March 5, 2004

Naming Bobby Sands Street

Shortly after revolution of 1979, Iranians were busy changing names. Names of thousands of streets, buildings and even cities that had been named after the Shah, his family or others close to the former regime needed to be changed and replaced by new idols and symbols of the revolution. Perhaps the most prominent was Tehran's major thoroughfare going from Pahlavi St. to be named after regime's renowned adversary, Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh.

Published March 5, 2004


Dramatic allegations of corruption and blackmail are being made against members of the governing Fianna Fil party at the Mahon Tribunal in Dublin.

Published March 5, 2004

Summit planned as Ahern demands end to violence

The British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and the Irish Prime Minister, An Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern are to hold talks on the worsening political situation in the North before St Patrick's Day, it has emerged.

Published March 5, 2004

UDA blamed for threat to housing workers

Home repair workers in north Belfast have walked out after unionist paramilitary threats to staff. The threats were made in an attempt to force the housing authority to allocate properties to certain individuals.

Published March 5, 2004

Turned to the IRA


When Tony Blair was expressing outrage that he was being spied on by republicans (remember, IRA Spy-Ring at the heart of government?) there he was, according to Clare Short, cheerily spying away at the heart of international government.

Published March 5, 2004

Canada excludes former political prisoners

Academics in Canada are questioning why that country denied entry to five Irish activists jailed as political prisoners after they were invited to talk about the peace process at the University of Ottawa and Concordia University this month.

Published March 5, 2004

Families accuse committee of 'breach of faith'

Relatives of the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bomb victims were on the verge of walking out of a committee investigating the attacks on Wednesday night after what they said was an incredible breach of faith.

Published March 5, 2004

The path of least resistance

The default position of the British administration here is the status quo. Put another way, that means when faced with any opposition or even controversy about a policy issue, their proconsul chooses the way of least resistance. In short, he does nothing. The default position should be the opposite.

Published March 3, 2004

Tragic death of sports hero

The sudden death of one of Gaelic football's brightest stars, Tyrone's Cormac McAnallen, has shocked his native county and the country as a whole.

Published March 3, 2004

Hearings told of Cabinet fears, secret sub-committee

The final hearings before the Dublin parliamentary committee on the Barron report into the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings took place today at Leinster House.

Published March 3, 2004

Ahern appoints quango to oversee e-vote

The Irish Prime Minister, Bertie Ahern came under strong presure from the opposition parties over his government's electronic voting plans in the Dail today.

Published March 3, 2004

Evidence of collusion demands public inquiry

The Justice for the Forgotten group writes that a public tribunal into the 1974 bombings in Dublin and Monaghan is essential following the evidence of collusion by British forces and Garda police in the attacks presneted at parliamentary hearings in Dublin.

Published March 3, 2004


The crisis in the political process has deepened following the withdrawal of Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble from the formal review of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement in Belfast.

Published March 3, 2004

British Army occupation continues in South Armagh

An increased level of British army activity in south Armagh and the continuing refurbishment of military bases has angered residents who continue to live in the most militarised area in western Europe.

Published March 3, 2004

`Stakeknife' case adjourned after mystery appeal

A High Court action by the man who denies he was the British spy `Stakeknife' was adjourned in unusual circumstances yesterday.

Published March 3, 2004


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