[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Republicans mark Easter Rising

Republicans are marking the 88th anniversary of the Easter Rising with more than 100 events this weekend.

Published April 10, 2004

Unionist paramilitaries `stoking up' violence

The unionist paramilitary LVF, UVF and UDA have been accused of escalating tensions as the marching season approcahes.

Published April 10, 2004

Talks to follow DUP's North-South shift

Intense ``proximity talks'' are reportedly being planned for three weeks time as the Irish and British Prime Ministers seek to follow on from the latest proposals by Ian Paisley's DUP.

Published April 10, 2004

North, South, East, West

The DUP's latest offering on the relationships within the island of Ireland and between Britain and Ireland.

Published April 10, 2004

Proclamation Of The Irish Republic

The text of the original declaration of the Irish Republic, Easter 1916

Published April 10, 2004


A New York man, originally from Belfast, was violently dragged from his car and arrested by the PSNI police on Friday before being released without charge the following day.

Published April 10, 2004

March decisions not a surprise

A planned march by the unionist Apprentice Boys organisation along the predominately nationalist Lower Ormeau Road in Belfast on Monday has been banned.

Published April 10, 2004

Irish children `deported' from Ireland

Parents of Irish-born children, who are facing deportation, are being told to surrender their children's Irish passports before being put out of the 26 Counties, it has emerged.

Published April 10, 2004

Ahern admits `possible' meeting with developer

The Irish Prime Minister, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, has told the Mahon Tribunal on political corruption that he `could well' have met developer Tom Gilmartin at an informal `gathering' of ministers in Government buildings.

Published April 7, 2004

Finucane inquiry? Not now, not ever

Why does the Finucane case stand out from all the others Judge Peter Cory examined? Why is the British government refusing to hold a public inquiry into that case yet offering no objection to inquiries into the killings of Rosemary Nelson, Robert Hamill and Billy Wright?

Published April 7, 2004

Easter 1916, part II

The second part of a two-part series examining the Easter Rising, its historical context and significance.

Published April 7, 2004


The Irish and British governments must fulfil commitments they have made to the peace process or there can be ``little prospect of any progress'', the mainstream Provisional IRA has warned.

Published April 7, 2004

Fulton vindicated, Flanagan exposed

Evidence has emerged that the RUC police allowed the IRA to carry out an attack on a police patrol in order to protect one or more informers.

Published April 7, 2004

Proconsul’s future impossible to predict

By Brian Feeney (for the Irish News)

Well the tapes are up and they’re off. It’s a bit of a kangaroo start though, with a jump, then a jerk until the Pope’s funeral is out of the way. A full gallop is considered unseemly until next week. That’s in Britain of course. It will be another couple of weeks before our lot get their acts together. No hurry. After all, it’s the same old show, well rehearsed.

Published April 7, 2004

`Racist' referendum to be held on election day

The Dublin government has been strongly criticised for its decision to hold a referendum on citizenship on June 11th, the same day as the local and European elections in the 26 Counties.

Published April 7, 2004

Election announcement welcomed

British Prime Minister Tony Blair yesterday finally confirmed the date for the British general election, scheduled to take place on May 5, the anniversary of the death of hunger striker Bobby Sands.

Published April 7, 2004

Any truth process must be neutral - SF

Sinn Féin's Gerry Adams has described the outcome of a meeting with British Direct Ruler Paul Murphy on the British government's response to the Cory reports as `totally unsatisfactory'.

Published April 7, 2004

Westminster constituencies

A look at nine of the 18 seats up for grabs in the Westminster elections next month.

Published April 7, 2004

West Belfast base to close?

Reports have suggested that the Andersonstown military base in west Belfast is to close in August, and will be demolished by the end of September.

Published April 7, 2004

Blair lied as inquiries bill passes

The Inquiries Bill to limit the scope of public inquiries has been rushed through the London parliament after the British general election was called last Tuesday.

Published April 7, 2004


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