[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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African National Congress

By John Minto

The African National Congress has coasted to an easy victory in the South African elections. More significant than its two-thirds of the vote, however, was the greatly reduced voter turnout.

Published April 28, 2004

Anger as Blair dismisses pressure on Finucane killing

Calls for an immediate public inquiry into the murder of Belfast defence lawyer Pat Finucane were rejected by the British Prime Minister today.

Published April 28, 2004


Three Irishmen who were cleared on Monday of training rebels in Colombia’s civil war could be released from jail later today.

Published April 28, 2004

Loyalist hate campaign to drive out Catholics

Loyalists have a mounted a new campaign of intimidation to drive Catholics out of south Belfast.

Published April 28, 2004

Dublin appeals over Colombia 3

The Irish Prime Minister, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has sent a personal message to the Colombian president calling for three Irishmen to be allowed home from Colombia.

Published April 26, 2004

Northern parties clash over government proposals

Sinn Féin has been accused of damaging the Good Friday Agreement by its nationalist rivals in the Six Counties, the SDLP.

Published April 26, 2004

Omagh families fobbed off

Families of the Omagh bomb victims have seen their demands for a full cross-border public inquiry rebuffed following a marathon two-and-a-half hour meeting with British Direct Ruler Paul Murphy.

Published April 26, 2004

Omagh scandal deepens

British MI5 military intelligence withheld vital information on the 1998 Omagh attack by the Real IRA, it has been revealed.

Published April 26, 2004

Dublin appeals over Colombia 3

The Irish Prime Minister, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has sent a personal message to the Colombian president calling for three Irishmen to be allowed home from Colombia.

Published April 26, 2004

The elephant will not be going away

By Brian Feeney (for the Irish News)

Listening to some of the pundits marking time as the dreadfully slow count at the King’s Hall dragged on interminably was at times a bit surreal.

Published April 26, 2004

An Appraisal

The presidential re-election visit to Ireland of the world's most hated man was a spectacular failure for Bush.

Published April 26, 2004


The family of Pat Finucane has announced that they cannot take part in the proposed public inquiry, if it is held under the terms of the draft legislation published by the British government today.

Published April 26, 2004

PDs grab headlines with talks demand

The small Progressive Democrats party has made a bizarre intervention in the northern peace process.

Published April 26, 2004

The IRA did it

Let us examine the mindset of the PSNI and the Garda Siochana by which they reached the conclusion that the IRA did the Northern Bank raid

Published April 26, 2004

Parades Commission deception

A member of the Orange Order has been accused of using fraudulent claims of cross-community support to win an appointment to the North’s Parades Commission.

Published April 26, 2004

How many mountains are left?

Anyone with a quark of awareness knows that the Colombia acquittal will make no difference to our quagmired state here at home.

Published April 26, 2004

Final Bloody Sunday witness recounts gun battle plan

A witness has told the Bloody Sunday Inquiry that Derry’s police chief told him the morning after the Bogside killings that the British army’s plan for the day was to “take out two or three soft targets” in a bid to provoke a gun battle with the IRA.

Published April 26, 2004

Thousands rally for peace

Protests against President Bush's visit to Ireland passed off peacefully at the weekend amid the largest ever security operation in Ireland.

Published April 26, 2004

Parties consider revised proposals

Sinn Féin and the DUP have received a modified version of the proposals by the Irish and British governments and will give their responses to the plan early next week.

Published April 26, 2004

Policing issues unresolved

Sinn Féin has said it will vet any new legislation on policing before a decision is made to change its policy at a special conference.

Published April 26, 2004


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