[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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UDA attacks pensioner’s home

An attack on the County Derry home of an elderly lady by unionist paramilitaries has been described as “grotesque”.

Published November 26, 2004

Bloody Sunday Inquiry ends

After 434 days, the Bloody Sunday Inquiry has ended with a closing statement by the inquiry’s counsel.

Published November 23, 2004

Eyes on the Prize

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams outlines the current state of play in the ongoing peace talks.

Published November 23, 2004


Ian Paisley is facing a critical decision on a package of proposals by the British and Irish governments which could end the deadlock in the North’s peace process.

Published November 23, 2004

Special Criminal Court must go - SF

Sinn Féin TD Mr Aengus O Snodaigh has criticised as unsafe the conviction of a political associate who was jailed for “spying” on senior politicians in the 26 Counties.

Published November 23, 2004

New UDA death threats

The newly-reaffirmed UDA “ceasefire” has been dismissed after threats were made against four republicans in the North using a recognised UDA codeword.

Published November 23, 2004

Voter registration reform planned for North - report

The British government is finally considering changes to the voter registration system in the Six Counties following talks with Sinn Féin, according to reports.

Published November 23, 2004

A Lie Nailed

by Danny Morrison

“The DUP’s satisfaction may be short-lived - and very dependent on the negotiating skills of the Sinn Féin leadership,” said Martina Purdy, the BBC’s political correspondent last Friday. She was referring to the initial and seemingly favourable response of the DUP to the proposals put to them in a document by the British and Irish governments on how to break the political deadlock and re-establish the Executive and Assembly.

Published November 23, 2004

Call for Birmingham Six apology

The British government has been urged to apologise to the six men wrongfully convicted for the Birmingham bombings.

Published November 23, 2004

Rewards for UDA thugs are misdirected

There’s one conclusion you can draw about the attitude of the British administration in the north to the UDA - it’s consistent.

Published November 19, 2004

British stonewall second bombings inquiry

The British government has been strongly criticised by a senior 26-County judge for failing to co-operate with an inquiry into bombings in Dublin in 1972 and 1973.

Published November 19, 2004

Purse strings loosened as election looms

The Dublin government has been accused of launching its re-election campaign after its spending plans were published yesterday.

Published November 19, 2004

Letter calls for Finucane inquiry

U.S. Congressman Chris Smith has circulated a letter to be sent to British PM Tony Blair urging him to immediately hold a Public Inquiry in the murder of Pat Finucane.

Published November 19, 2004


Sinn Féin leaders are meeting party members across Ireland as efforts continue to try to forge an historic deal involving the IRA and Ian Paisley’s DUP.

Published November 19, 2004

Long Kesh development plan

Plans for the development of the site of the H-Blocks, where most of the prisoners in the conflict were once housed, are being finalised for the British government.

Published November 19, 2004

Mob assault in Portadown

A Portadown man was seriously injured in a vicious sectarian assault on Sunday.

Published November 19, 2004

Real IRA targets Belfast businesses

The Real IRA has claimed responsibility for planting a number of incendiary devices in Belfast city stores.

Published November 19, 2004

Families shut out of inquiries announcement

The announcement by the British government of the terms of three inquiries into collusion in the North of Ireland has been met with concern.

Published November 16, 2004

Provisionals ‘accepting British rule’

The president of Republican Sinn Féin, Mr Ruairi O Bradaigh, argues that any move by the Provisional IRA to decommission its remaining weapons would be akin to accepting British rule in Ireland.

The following is the text of Mr O Bradaigh’s address to his party’s annual conference at the weekend.

Published November 16, 2004


Controversial peace proposals discussed

The Irish and British governments are presenting their formula for a deal to the DUP and Sinn Féin later today [Wednesday] in the hope of striking a deal involving a return of power-sharing government in the North and a public move by the Provisional IRA to wind up its activities.

Published November 16, 2004


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