[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Degree of welcome for giveaway budget

The Dublin government presented a generous budget on Wednesday in a transparent effort to boost its rating in the polls.

Published December 3, 2004

Release of Castlerea 4 part of deal - Ahern

Bertie Ahern has accepted that four Provisional IRA men still held in Castlerea prison should be released as part of a comprehensive deal in the peace process.

Published December 3, 2004

Election candidates selected

SDLP veteran Seamus Mallon’s Westminster seat will be contested by Dominic Bradley of the SDLP and Sinn Féin’s Conor Murphy.

Published December 3, 2004

A defining moment

The following is the edited text of an address by Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams in Navan, County Meath this week.

Published December 3, 2004


Is Paisley preparing to compromise?

The prospects of a comprehensive deal involving the IRA and Ian Paisley’s DUP were boosted tonight with just four days remaining before the Dublin and London governments bring the current process to a close.

Published December 3, 2004

Republican released as forensic evidence queried again

A Tyrone man was released yesterday after a non-jury court cleared him of charges of conspiring to bomb a police base four years ago and membership of the breakaway ‘Real IRA’.

Published December 3, 2004

Wave of suicides ignored by British officials

The Department of Health in the Six Counties has no suicide prevention strategy despite escalating numbers of deaths among young people in deprived nationalist areas.

Published December 3, 2004

We will never be allowed to hear the truth

By Brian Feeney (for the Irish News)

You have to admit they did it well, the so-called Inquiries Bill, that is. Knowing it would be a big issue for nationalists, the British government snuck it out at their favourite time for bad news, Friday, the worst news day of the week when it was certain to be buried, as indeed it was.

Published December 3, 2004

Historic Sinn Fein meeting with police chief

Sinn Féin has described its historic first ever meeting with the chief of the British police in the North, Hugh Orde, as “useful”.

Published November 30, 2004

DUP has to swallow bitter pill

By Danny Morrison (for the Anderstownstown News, 29/11)

More details have emerged on the proposals to deal with the issue of trust which has bedevilled the peace process from the very outset. Talks sources suggest that by the end of December General John de Chastelain could report that he now has physical proof that the DUP has put all its sectarian bigotry ‘beyond use’.

Published November 30, 2004

Registered voters to stay on register

The British government is to scrap the practice of making voters in the North register every year for elections.

Published November 30, 2004

Time to call it is now

A peace process - any peace process - is enormously difficult. But with determination and a preparedness to take risks and make compromises, a peace process can succeed.

Published November 30, 2004


Ian Paisley has admitted for the first time that his party is seeking to humiliate the Provisional IRA....

Published November 30, 2004

Ardoyne ‘Lundy Day’ parade rerouted

The Parades Commission has ruled that the Protestant Apprentice Boys organisation cannot march through the republican Ardoyne area of north Belfast this weekend. Instead, marchers will travel past the area on buses.

Published November 30, 2004

SF man jailed for four years on IRA charges

Two men convicted on charges of membership of the Provisional IRA have been sentenced to four years in prison by a non-jury court in Dublin.

Published November 30, 2004

UDA mob in court mayhem

A gang of UDA unionist paramilitaries were arrested as they were allegedly about to carry out a kidnapping and armed robbery this week.

Published November 30, 2004

Will Grinch say ‘nevaar’ to new deal

At the end of 40 years of wrecking every political development, will Paisley’s sole achievement be to have postponed the inevitable by 30 years?

Published November 26, 2004

Patrick Kavanagh

This weekend marks the culmination of a year of events marking the centenary of one of Ireland’s best loved poets, Patrick Kavanagh.

Published November 26, 2004

Save the Hill of Tara

A petition to save Ireland’s major archaeological site, the ancient Irish capital of Tara, which is threatened by a motorway development.

Published November 26, 2004

Acrimony over Hill of Tara highway

The destruction of the Hill of Tara valley was “cultural vandalism akin to ripping a knife through a Rembrandt”, the Dublin parliament has heard during a bitter debate about a proposed new motorway.

Published November 26, 2004


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