[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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The British Army has begun dismantling some of its most infamous spyposts in the North of Ireland as part of a major programme of demilitarisation and troop withdrawal.

Published August 3, 2005

Loyalists kill, maim, burn, bomb

A third man has been murdered in Belfast in the latest upsurge in the feud between unionist paramilitary groups as a wave of sectarian attacks continues.

Published August 3, 2005

Ballymena parade to go ahead

The organisers of a republican parade planned for Ballymena next week have dismissed an appeal by Sinn Féin to call it off.

Published August 3, 2005

Paisley blasts British ‘surrender’

The Dublin and London governments have been threatened with the “righteous indigination of the unionist population” if efforts continue to restore a local power-sharing administration in the North of Ireland.

Published August 3, 2005

Adams succeeded where Dev failed

You can parse yesterday’s IRA statement any way you like but you end up with the same result. It’s this: For the first time since the establishment of the Irish state in 1922 the IRA has decided there is no need for an armed campaign. This time it’s not just a matter of dumping arms which the IRA has done a few times before.

Published July 30, 2005

Great statement but what happens now?

By Gearoid O Caireallain (for Daily Ireland)

The reporter from the TG4 news wanted to know where they could find a group of republican supporters and nationalists in Belfast at lunchtime yesterday gathered around a television set, eagerly devouring details of the IRA statement and relieving their indigestion with generous dollops of political analysis and grassroots reaction.

Published July 30, 2005

What they said

A few nuggets from the carnival of reaction that greeted Thursday’s statement.

Published July 30, 2005

Key statements

The full text of statements issued on Thursday.

Published July 30, 2005


The Irish peace process is expected to move rapidly over the next twelve months following a unilateral move by the Provisional IRA to stand down and disarm.

Published July 30, 2005

What next for loyalism?

Unionist paramilitaries are under immense pressure to follow Thursday’s announcement by the Provisional IRA by stating that they will call an end to all paramilitary and criminal activity.

Published July 30, 2005

Building confidence in peace

The first confirmation that a sequence of historical events was about to unfold this week was the emergence from prison on Wednesday of political hostage Sean Kelly.

Published July 30, 2005

Republicans express mixed feelings

Despite months of advance warning of Thursday’s IRA statement, the news has still came as a shock to many.

Published July 30, 2005

All the Hallmarks

By Bill Delaney

An innocent man, brutally shot dead in cold blood. Lies, dissemination and spin by ‘anti-terror’ British police and the usual cabal of media and politicians.

Published July 25, 2005

Poetry of Terence McSwiney

In 1920, during the Tan War, the British had withdrawn political status, which had been won after the death of Thomas Ashe in 1917 and after the 2-week mass hunger strike in Mountjoy Jail in April of 1920.

Published July 25, 2005

LVF forced out as feud escalates

Scores of unionist paramilitaries forced supporters of the rival LVF out of an East Belfast housing estate as PSNI police stood by today.

Published July 25, 2005


Five Mayo men protesting against the construction of a dangerous gas pipeline through their community were sent back to jail on Monday -- despite confirmation that some of the construction work was carried out without official permission.

Published July 25, 2005

Translation problems in Kerry

A debate is raging in an Irish-speaking town in County Kerry, where local residents are to vote on changing the town’s name back to its original Irish form.

Published July 25, 2005

Speculation over Provisional IRA statement

Republicans are working hard to enable the Provisional IRA to abandon its armed struggle, but others have their parts to play, Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams said tonight [Monday night].

Published July 25, 2005

Churches attacked

Holy Cross Catholic church in north Belfast came under petrol bomb attack at the weekend.

Published July 25, 2005

London shoot-to-kill draws Irish parallels

Irish families have accused British authorities of hypocrisy after police apologised for shooting Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes dead on the London underground.

Published July 25, 2005


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