[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Jobs inequality for Catholics unchanged

Catholics are still twice as likely to be unemployed as Protestants in the North, with Catholic women battling even greater odds.

Published May 30, 2005

The EU constitution

The following is the edited text of an address by Sinn Féin MEP Mary Lou McDonald, speaking at a major conference on the EU Constitution in Dublin at the weekend.

Published May 30, 2005

Lord plans further allegations against Flynn

The Ulster Unionist Party’s Lord Laird has been accused of hiding behind parliamentary privilege to make unfounded allegations against Irish financier Phil Flynn.

Published May 30, 2005


Ireland will hold a referendum on a Constitution for the European Union despite France’s rejection of the treaty, 26-County Prime Minister, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern declared today.

Published May 30, 2005

Blame game falters in Belfast heist

The PSNI police have accepted that the IRA was not behind a cash robbery in Belfast at the weekend which identically mirrored the Northern Bank heist before Christmas.

Published May 30, 2005

The EU constitution

The edited text of an address by Sinn Féin MEP Mary Lou McDonald, speaking at a major conference on the EU Constitution in Dublin at the weekend.

Published May 30, 2005

Good Friday Agreement is all there is

They say the Magic Roundabout is due for a revival. If you remember, it was originally a French programme. For the BBC the puppets were all given names in English like Dougal and Dylan and Zebedee and then a script was written in English to fit around the actions of the puppets.

Published May 30, 2005

Jailing of Basque leader condemned

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams MP has voiced his concern at the jailing of Basque political leader Arnaldo Otegi and said that is would only serve to setback efforts to establish a peace process.

Published May 30, 2005

Council power-sharing resisted

An ‘unholy alliance’ between Ian Paisley’s DUP and the nationalist SDLP has been blamed for Sinn Féin’s exclusion from both the top posts on Belfast City Council.

Published May 30, 2005

Amnesty demands probe into robbery killings

Amnesty International has called for an independent inquiry into the killing of two criminals in an ambush by Garda police at a rural post office.

Published May 26, 2005

Time has come to beat guns into ploughshares

By Tom McGurk (for the Sunday Business Post)

After the Northern election, the wagons are once again slowly starting to circle. As the DUP and Sinn Féin make their trips to Downing Street, the Taoiseach spoke this week in Poland of the debate going on within the Provisional republican movement.

Published May 26, 2005

Bus crash horror

The crash of a school bus in County Meath in which five schoolgirls died has caused shock and grief across Ireland and raised questions about the safety of public transport.

Published May 26, 2005

Prisoner seeks help

A letter by dissident republican Aiden Hulme is being circulated by the October Fifth Association, a network of civil rights veterans and supporters, as well as other groups, at home and abroad.

Published May 26, 2005


The home of Gerry Adams and others belonging to Sinn Féin members in west Belfast were targeted in a series of orchestrated loyalist attacks today.

Published May 26, 2005

Hamill inquiry opens

An inquiry has opened into the murder by a loyalist mob of Portadown Catholic Robert Hamill in the presence of an RUC police patrol eight years ago.

Published May 26, 2005

MI5 spy device auctioned off

A device used by British military intelligence to bug Sinn Féin headquarters in Belfast has been put on auction by the party.

Published May 26, 2005

IMC reports amid talks gloom

The Independent Monitoring Commission’s latest report into paramilitary activity in the North lacks credibility, Sinn Féin has said.

Published May 26, 2005

Inquest to open into Ludlow murder

The family of Louth man Seamus Ludlow will move closer to uncovering the full facts surrounding his murder when a new inquest is opened next week.

Published May 22, 2005

Omagh charges man ‘facing miscarriage of justice’

The case of Sean Hoey, who is facing 29 murder charges in relation to the 1998 Omagh bombing, has been compared to the cases of the Birmingham Six and Guildford Four.

Published May 22, 2005

Riot follows attacks, football

There has been rioting this evening on the Crumlin Road in north Belfast. It appears the trouble began after today’s football matches by Glasgow Rangers and Celtic ended.

Published May 22, 2005


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