[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Dublin divided over IRA ‘treason’

The 26-County Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell, has broken with his Prime Minister by declaring that membership of the Provisional IRA will continue to be illegal despite its recent declaration of an end to its armed struggle.

Published August 29, 2005

Words but no action on sectarian violence

The British government has promised “a crackdown” on sectarian violence after a three-month-old Catholic baby was showered with glass and paint by a loyalist hate gang last week.

Published August 29, 2005

United Ireland debate?

Republicans and loyalists have launched rival political campaigns to achieve or prevent a transition to a united Ireland.

Published August 29, 2005

Ceili at the crossroads sparks memories

By Danny Morrison

Coming up to 2pm -- the starting time advertised -- things did not look too promising. The small marquee to provide shade for the Trasna Ceili Band was only being erected. The only crowd that had gathered was a demoralised one across the road -- the overspill from McEnaney’s pub, where on television Rangers was giving Celtic a drubbing.

Published August 25, 2005

McDowell tirade over Colombia 3

Sinn Féin has dismissed comments made by the 26-County Minister for Justice on the Colombia 3 as “his usual anti-republican

Published August 25, 2005

Demilitarisation move reversed

A British commitment to close two spy bases in County Fermanagh has been reneged upon, it was announced yesterday.

Published August 25, 2005

Minister’s action raises Garda independence issue

By Aisling Reidy
Director of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties
(for the Sunday Business Post)

In the Seanad last March, justice minister Michael McDowell said he wanted to prevent the spectre of “a minister lifting a phone in a bad humour one afternoon [and] influencing the outcome of any individual investigation or prosecution”.

Published August 25, 2005


It is feared that several nights of orchestrated rioting in north and east Belfast could be the precursor of weeks of sectarian interface violence.

Published August 25, 2005

Multi-nationals cut and run

Donegal suffered the latest in a series of employment setbacks yesterday when 560 workers at a US-owned pharmaceuticals plant were told they are to lose their jobs.

Published August 25, 2005

Real IRA threatens retaliation

Republican hardliners have threatened unionist paramilitaries involved in the ongoing sectarian campaign against nationalists in County Antrim.

Published August 25, 2005

Real IRA threatens retaliation

Republican hardliners have threatened unionist paramilitaries involved in the ongoing sectarian campaign against nationalists in County Antrim.

Published August 25, 2005

Shell urged to lift injunction

The daughter of one of five Mayo men jailed for opposing a high-pressure Shell gaspipe line tonight dismissed the oil giant’s latest statement as a publicity stunt.

Published August 25, 2005

Time for the PSNI to cut the mustard

What would it take for a senior PSNI officer to appear on TV after a pipe bomb attack, a petrol bomb attack, a serious assault, even the murder of a Catholic and say, 'This is a sectarian attack, one of a series carried out by loyalist terrorists in this district'?

Published August 20, 2005

When will we hear the UVF's real plan?

Where are all the 'peace' groups and those politicians opposed to paramilitary violence, drug-pushers and criminality?

Published August 20, 2005


Relatives for Justice have launched an online petition of support for the family of Jean Charles de Menezes, shot dead by the London Metropolitan police.

Published August 20, 2005


Sinn Fein has accused unionist politicians of doing nothing to stop paramilitary attacks against nationalists.

Published August 20, 2005

Harassment of republican parade organiser

A civil liberties group has expressed concern after the organiser of a republican paraade was banned from entering Derry city by the PSNI police.

Published August 20, 2005

Mo Mowlam remembered

Tributes have been paid on the death of former British Secretary of State, Mo Mowlam, who finally succumbed to a brain tumour on Friday morning.

Published August 20, 2005

Republican arrested over Army base attack

Republicans have urged Spanish authorities to free of a Dundalk republican in Spain on the foot of a German extradition warrant.

Published August 20, 2005

IRA departure opens new political scenario

By Jim Gibney (for the Irish News)

The declaration by the IRA that the armed struggle was over received worldwide political and media attention.

Published August 16, 2005


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