[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Unionists and Gardai head to Colombia

The Irish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has said the plight of the Colombia Three now rests with the legal process -- even as unionist hardliners and Ahern’s Minister for Justice campaign for their prosecution.

Published September 5, 2005

Decommissioning ‘imminent’

Ian Paisley’s demands on decommissioning will fall on deaf ears unless his party engages in direct talks with Sinn Féin, Martin McGuinness has said.

Published September 5, 2005

The Seamus Ludlow campaign

Published September 5, 2005


An inquest into the death of a County Louth man shot dead by a unionist paramilitary/British Army murder gang has been told that the 26-County Gardai police knew the identity of his killers within 18 months, but never sought their extradition.

Published September 5, 2005

Irish respond to US hurricane

The 26-County government will donate O1 million in aid towards Hurricane Katrina relief efforts and is considering sending troops to the region.

Published September 5, 2005

Omagh bomb trial to go ahead

There are fears that a miscarriage of justice could take place in the case of a man accused of making the Omagh bomb.

Published September 5, 2005

PSNI go easy on UVF rioters

The handling of a loyalist riot by the PSNI police in north Belfast on Monday stands has sharply contrast with violent clashes with nationalists over the weekend.

Published September 5, 2005

Blockade of oil depot planned

The main entry point for Shell Oil into Ireland is to be blockaded as part of escalating protests against a controversial new gas pipeline and onshore gas refinery.

Published September 1, 2005

UVF considering peace move - reports

Reports have claimed that the unionist paramilitary UVF may be preparing to make a significant move in the peace process, including ordering its members to ‘stand down’.

Published September 1, 2005

Keep your eye on the case of Sean Hoey

By Fr Des Wilson

The case of Sean Hoey will have to be watched with great care.

Published September 1, 2005

Ever get the feeling no-one’s in charge?

By Brian Feeney (for the Irish News)

Tomorrow Sir Hugh Orde meets the Policing Board for the first time since July.

Published September 1, 2005

John Devoy

John Devoy was a persevering, courageous man -- involved in every aspect of Irish revolutionary politics for over 60 years.

Published September 1, 2005


Two primary schools in Ballymena have been struck by unionist arsonists in a start-of-term message of hate.

Published September 1, 2005

Decision on Omagh bomb trial due

A magistrate will rule tomorrow on whether South Armagh man Sean Hoey should stand trial for the murders of the 29 people killed in the Omagh bomb of 1998.

Published September 1, 2005

The day the people won

By Des Wilson (for the Andersonstown news)

What a good idea it was to have a ceili on the worn out site of the old British military/police barracks on the Andersonstown Road junction.

Published August 29, 2005

Who fears to speak?

By Tom McGurk (for the Sunday Business Post)

What strange sights are to be seen around Moore Street this week? The southern Irish political establishment are to be found there now wandering around with their history books, looking for Number 16.

Published August 29, 2005

Death of Gerry Fitt

Gerry Fitt, one of the founders of the nationalist SDLP party, passed away on Friday.

Published August 29, 2005


Concern is growing for the human right of an Irish republican who is currently languishing in a Spanish jail cell, under threat of extradition to Germany.

Published August 29, 2005

Parade problems continue

Violence erupted at a parade by the Protestant Royal Black Institution in the nationalist town of Castlederg in County Tyrone at the weekend.

Published August 29, 2005

Dublin divided over IRA ‘treason’

The 26-County Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell, has broken with his Prime Minister by declaring that membership of the Provisional IRA will continue to be illegal despite its recent declaration of an end to its armed struggle.

Published August 29, 2005


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