[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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US envoy Ambassador Mitchell Reiss has suggested that Sinn Féin’s insistence on further police reform can be equated with the DUP’s refusal to hold talks with republicans.

Published March 16, 2006

Adams appeals for peace progress

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams MP has said he is increasingly concerned at the handling of the current talks by the Dublin and London governments and the recent partisan behaviour of the US government.

Published March 16, 2006

Exclusion not an option - Hain

Britain’s Direct Ruler in Ireland, Peter Hain, has made it clear that he will not bar Sinn Féin from a restored Belfast Assembly or power-sharing administration.

Published March 16, 2006

Court setback for Save Tara campaign

An environmentalist has had legal costs of up to 600,000 Euros (Stg413,000) awarded against him after he lost his court challenge against the routing of the M3 motorway near the Hill of Tara.

Published March 16, 2006

The shots that changed the world forever

By Tom McGurk (for the Sunday Business Post)

The public commentary ever since Bertie Ahern announced the revival of the 1916 memorial parade has been fascinating.

Published March 13, 2006

Disgust at 1916 ‘Sale of the century’

There has been an outcry over a planned auction of historical documents and artifacts associated with the 1916 Rising.

Published March 13, 2006

The Bomb to End All Bombs?

Did a British agent at the heart of a dissident republican group engineer the Omagh bomb?

Published March 13, 2006


Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has accepted a St Patrick’s Day invitation to the White House despite a US administration ban on his fundraising plans and strong Irish opposition to George Bush’s foreign policy.

Published March 13, 2006

UVF ‘hit list’ destroyed by PSNI

An apparent hit list found in the home of a unionist paramilitary murder suspect was later destroyed by the PSNI, it has emerged.

Published March 13, 2006

Hain announces new Policing Board

British Direct Ruler Peter Hain has announced the new make-up of the North’s Policing Board, which includes a majority of Independent members.

Published March 13, 2006

‘Blood money’ for British soldiers

Relatives of people killed by locally recruited British soldiers in the North of Ireland have described a massive cash payout to the 3,000 troops as ‘repugnant and offensive’.

Published March 13, 2006

Media smuggled in for border raid

A raid on an alleged border smuggling operation has provided the launching pad for a wave of anti-republican news coverage.

Published March 13, 2006

Establishment be warned - the truth will out

By Danny Morrison

You might think that it would be to the advantage of Tony Blair and incumbent prime minister Gordon Brown to expose the involvement of their main opponents - the Conservatives - in murder. They certainly have the information and power to do it - but not the will or inclination.

Published March 9, 2006

High Court persecution of leading republican

Brendan ‘Bik’ McFarlane is to face a retrial in connection with an IRA action over 20 years ago, the Dublin High Court has ruled.

Published March 9, 2006

Unionists snub ‘terrorist’ Rising

Ulster Unionists have rejected an invitation to attend a ceremony to mark the 1916 Easter Rising and the declaration of the Irish Republic, describing it as an “act of terrorism”.

Published March 9, 2006

The Diary of Bobby Sands

For the first seventeen days of his hunger-strike 25 years ago this week, Bobby Sands kept a secret diary in which he wrote his thoughts and views. The following is his writings for the first nine days.

Published March 9, 2006

All-party vote for Finucane inquiry

The Dublin parliament has unanimously backed a motion calling for a “full, independent, public judicial inquiry” into the 1989 murder of Belfast defence lawyer Pat Finucane.

Published March 9, 2006


British Prime Minister Tony Blair and 26-County Taoiseach Bertie Ahern appear to have moved away from plans for a ‘shadow’ Six-County Assembly in Belfast, but are still not revealing any proposals for reviving the peace process.

Published March 9, 2006

Jammed gun prevents UDA murder

A gun attack on a Catholic taxi driver in north Belfast at the weekend is the start of a killing campaign against all republican ex-prisoners, according to the unionist paramilitary UDA.

Published March 9, 2006

Brutal murder throws harsh light on justice system

A number of related policing and judicial scandals have followed the murder of a 22-year-old woman at a party in Dublin last weekend.

Published March 9, 2006


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