[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Republicans should insist informers are unmasked

The Tanaiste has emerged from the shadows to claim that police files are “not confidential at all”.

Published December 19, 2005

Portrait of a traitor

There is no denying that republicans are angry and disgusted by the outing of the once popular, and occasionally revered, Denis Donaldson.

Published December 19, 2005

Continuing with an old practice

By Brian Feeney (for the Irish News)

Stormontgate is not the first time the DPP and the British attorney-general have decided not to proceed with a prosecution. Far from it.

Published December 15, 2005

The Shannon cover-up

By Tim Hourigan

Having spent the past four years monitoring Shannon airport through wet summers and cold winter nights, I think I can speak for the small group of Shannon watchers when I say it would be nice to be able to trust official assurances.

Published December 15, 2005

Mixed reaction to Ferry workers’ deal

Trade unions are expected to call for its members to support an apparent resolution of the Irish Ferries’ dispute during talks early Wednesday morning.

Published December 15, 2005


A leading member of the American Anti-war movement and a mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq has called on the Dublin government to stop being “complicit in war crimes.”

Published December 15, 2005

CPI was a threat to the 26-County state - McDowell

Sinn Féin has clashed in the Dublin parliament with the embattled Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell, over his admission that he leaked official documents to the media in an attempt to destroy an independent government watchdog body.

Published December 15, 2005

Nelson inquiry delayed again

The public inquiry into the murder of human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson is to be delayed by a year.

Published December 15, 2005

Anger at PSNI violence in Castlederg

Sinn Féin is to hold a protest outside Castlederg PSNI police station tomorrow over the continuing sectarian and brutal treatment of the local nationalist community by the PSNI.

Published December 15, 2005

‘Bogusgate’ row rumbles on

The row over the collapse of charges against three men accused of operating an “IRA spy ring” at the Belfast Assembly has continued following the refusal of the British Direct Ruler Peter Hain to make a statement on the matter.

Published December 15, 2005

Oppose the extradition of Sean Garland

Sean Garland has no chance of getting justice in the United States and it is on that basis -- not out of sympathy for the man or his party -- that his extradition should be opposed and resisted.

Published December 12, 2005

Huge support for Ferries workers

In one of the biggest ever demonstrations of its kind, up to 100,000 people took part in a march in Dublin on Saturday in support of the Irish Ferries workers and against wage exploitation in the Irish economy.

Published December 12, 2005


The British government’s ‘Dirty Tricks’ policy in the North has been exposed after those still charged in the bogus case of the ‘IRA spy ring’, which brought about the collapse of the institutions of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, were all found not guilty.

Published December 12, 2005

Loyalists may parade in Dublin

A ‘Love Ulster’ parade featuring sash-wearing Orangemen and hardline unionist ‘kick the pope’ bands may take place in Dublin’s city centre towards the end of January.

Published December 12, 2005

McDowell admits smear bid

26-County Minister for Justice Michael McDowell is under pressure to resign after he admitted he had passed a Garda document to a national newspaper.

Published December 12, 2005

McKevitt appeal rejected

Dissident republican Michael McKevitt has lost his appeal against his 20-year-sentence in the ‘FBI supergrass’ case.

Published December 12, 2005

PSNI muscle used in coup d’etat

For almost a year now, the PSNI have been spearheading the campaign to hinder the progress of Sinn Féin.

Published December 12, 2005

Infighting adds to pain and anger of victims

By Anne Cadwallader (for Daily Ireland)

If I were related to a victim of loyalist collusion with RUC Special Branch/British military intelligence, I would be feeling incredibly let down by my political representatives.

Published December 8, 2005

Chef seeks to end PSNI harassment

An American citizen who the North’s PSNI police allegedly want to question about the removal of top secret files from a Crown force base has lodged a complaint with the Police Ombudsman.

Published December 8, 2005

Chef seeks to end PSNI harassment

An American citizen who the North’s PSNI police allegedly want to question about the removal of top secret files from a Crown force base has lodged a complaint with the Police Ombudsman.

Published December 8, 2005


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