[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Dissidents cause race event cancellation

The St. Stephen’s Day horse-racing meeting at the ‘Down Royal’ course outside Hillsborough in County Down was evacuated on Monday because of a bomb alert.

Published December 30, 2005

Scraps of 1975

Some of the other details which have emerged so far from the historical papers released in Dublin, Belfast and London under the 30-year-rule.

Published December 30, 2005

Open letter to Tony Blair

The following is a letter to British Prime Minister Tony Blair, signed by a number of Irish-American political leaders.

Published December 30, 2005

Good riddance to 2005, it was a real stinker

By Anne Cadwallader (for Daily Ireland)

The big day is over. The head is throbbing. The kids are bored. Their presents are either already broken or run out of battery-power. Thoughts are inexorably turning to the year we are about to leave behind and the one yet to come.

Published December 30, 2005


The Dublin government had no plans in 1975 to defend or aid the nationalist people in the North, despite fears of a major escalation in the conflict following a predicted British withdrawal.

Published December 30, 2005

DUP says ‘No’ for New Year

Ian Paisley’s DUP has said it will not re-enter a devolved government with Sinn Féin as existed before the suspension of the Belfast Assembly three years ago.

Published December 30, 2005

Website used to trace missing LVF victim

The family of a woman thought to have been murdered by unionist paramilitary criminals earlier this year has launched a website in a bid to find her remains.

Published December 22, 2005

No love for Ulster rally

Republican Sinn Féin are to organise a counter-demonstration to oppose a rally in Dublin by the ‘Love Ulster’ campaign on January 28, which has apparently been given the go-ahead by city authorities.

Published December 22, 2005

Orde excuses on Stormontgate ‘an insult’

Efforts by the PSNI police chief Hugh Orde to blame the spying activities of a British informer on Sinn Féin have been greeted with derision by nationalists.

Published December 22, 2005

Playwright flees UDA threats

A prominent playwright is in hiding, and his family have been forced to flee their homes - after a campaign of death threats and bomb attacks by unionist paramilitaries.

Published December 22, 2005

Nothing to do with national security

By Jude Collins (for Daily Ireland)

Breathtaking - that’s the only word. I normally approach political life with a healthy cynicism, at the back of my mind the deathless words of Jeremy Paxman: ‘Why is this lying bastard lying to me?’ But this past week has still left me empty of breath.

Published December 22, 2005

Chef fears Donaldson link in ‘scapegoat’ bid

An American chef linked to an alleged “break-in” at the PSNI police headquarters in Belfast has said it is very possible he has been set up by British agent Denis Donaldson and PSNI Special Branch detectives.

Published December 22, 2005

British must commit to peaceful and democratic activity

The so-called Stormont-gate affair was a carefully constructed lie created by the Special Branch in order to cause maximum political damage to the Good Friday Agreement.

Published December 22, 2005


Sinn Féin has withdrawn its support for the British government’s controversial Northern Ireland (Offences) Bill, which deals with the issue of individuals on-the-run (OTRs) from outstanding conflict-related prosecutions.

Published December 22, 2005

Republicans should insist informers are unmasked

The Tanaiste has emerged from the shadows to claim that police files are “not confidential at all”.

Published December 19, 2005

Portrait of a traitor

There is no denying that republicans are angry and disgusted by the outing of the once popular, and occasionally revered, Denis Donaldson.

Published December 19, 2005

Hitting the fan

It was a weekend of confusion, reaction, hyperbole and, probably, even more deception.

Published December 19, 2005


The exposure of a top-level spy within Sinn Fein has dealt a significant if belated blow to the British government’s efforts to control and manipulate the peace process.

Published December 19, 2005

Ireland’s first gay wedding

The first Irish gay couple to form a civil partnership hope “many more” will follow. Grainne Close and Shannon Sickels exchanged vows in a private ceremony at Belfast City Hall before emerging to the cheers of supporters, the crush of photographers and opposition from hymn-singing protesters.

Published December 19, 2005

CPI backs Connolly, due process

The Centre for Public Inquiry is standing solidly behind its chief Frank Connolly, denounced as “a subversive” [a republican] by Minister for Justice Michael McDowell.

Published December 19, 2005


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