[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Disband the IMC - SF

Sinn Féin has published a Bill in the Dublin parliament calling for the 26-County government to end its political backing and funding for the IMC and to have the legislation, which brought it into being, repealed.

Published February 4, 2006

‘Not an inch’ - Paisley

The 1998 Good Friday Agreement was pronounced dead at the party’s annual conference today as party leader Ian Paisley again declared “No surrender” and “Not an Inch”.

Published February 4, 2006

Pipeline protestors defiant

The Rossport Five have suspended their involvement in a mediation process with Shell Oil established by the Dublin government.

Published February 4, 2006

Reiss urged to play positive role

US special envoy Ambassador Mitchell Reiss has clashed with Sinn Féin over the party’s policy on policing and the role of the US administration in the peace process.

Published January 31, 2006

Murky Maghaberry

By Anthony McIntyre (for the Blanket)

Monica McWilliams as head of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission could start as she means to go on by poking under the stone that is Maghaberry Prison. As closed institutions, prisons have long been sites of human rights violations. During the 1970s the Northern Ireland Office and the Northern Ireland Prison Service were partners in crime as prison staff on a daily basis beat, abused and terrorised the naked prisoners in their keep.

Published January 31, 2006

Inclusive Bloody Sunday commemoration

Thousands of people on Sunday retraced the route of the 1972 civil rights demonstration that ended in a massacre on the streets of Derry on Bloody Sunday.

Published January 31, 2006

US groups step up campaign on immigration reforms

The Irish community in the US is rallying to protest against proposed immigration reforms which threaten thousands of undocumented Irish immigrants.

Published January 31, 2006

Shifting ground

By Laurence McKeown (for Daily Ireland)

Palestinians went to the polls last week for the first time in a decade. Hamas, who had not previously contested elections, secured a resounding victory and a majority of the seats.

Published January 31, 2006


The so-called Independent Monitoring Commission (IMC) is reported to have stated that the Provisional IRA is still engaged in “intelligence-gathering” in its latest report, which has been handed to the Dublin and London governments.

Published January 31, 2006

British parliament to consider McBride motion

A Westminster motion calling for British Army criminals to be forced to quit the military has received cross-party support from 23 Members of Parliament.

Published January 31, 2006

Fine Gael face poll, charisma challenges

Support for Bertie Ahern’s Fianna Fail party has risen sharply in the weeks following a giveaway budget, according to the findings of the latest polls.

Published January 31, 2006

British reversal on SF allowances

The British government has moved to restore the London parliamentary allowances of Sinn Féin MPs, withdrawn following allegations of activity by the Provisional IRA.

Published January 27, 2006

DUP could learn from Sri Lankan strategy

Over the last 20 years Sri Lanka has been torn apart by a war which has claimed the lives of over 60,000 people.

Published January 27, 2006

Why the truth still matters

In an extract from a new book, ‘The Bloody Sunday Inquiry, The Families Speak Out’, Eamonn McCann tells the story of the campaign for justice by the victims’ families over the massacre -- 32 years ago this Monday.

Published January 27, 2006


26-County Taoiseach Bertie Ahern and British Prime Minister Tony Blair have announced that a new round of talks with the political parties will begin on February 6, to establish if progress is possible on the implementation of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.

Published January 27, 2006

Hardy to face charges in Germany

A north Belfast man wanted by the Germans over an IRA mortar bomb attack on a British army base has voluntarily travelled to Germany, it has emerged.

Published January 27, 2006

Re-investigations ‘buried’ in Ombudsman’s office

Scores of killings by the RUC police in the North may not be properly investigated due to a lack of resources at the Police Ombudsman’s office, it has emerged.

Published January 27, 2006

Gardai accused of Ludlow lies

The family of Seamus Ludlow have given their accounts for the first time at an inquiry into the Barron report on his savage murder by a gang of pro-British killers in 1976, and the subsequent cover-up.

Published January 27, 2006

Protest against McDowell deportations

Dublin’s justice minister Michael McDowell has decided to deport a Nigerian man who caused him political embarrassment last year, ostensibly due to traffic offences.

Published January 27, 2006

Another informer outed

A former Sinn Féin election worker has admitted to being a paid Special Branch informer for 25 years.

Published January 23, 2006


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