[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Ken Barrett ‘paid off’

The killer of Belfast lawyer Pat Finucane is enjoying his freedom after serving just 18 months of a 22 year sentence for the brutal murder.

Published May 27, 2006

Adams backs Orange right to parade

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has controversially backed the right of the Protestant Orange Order to hold sectarian parades - despite American observers reporting 'grotesque anti-Catholic displays' at last year's parades by the order.

Published May 27, 2006

Hain defiant as appointments row grows

British Direct Ruler Peter Hain has been accused of wasting money by appealing a High Court ruling which overturned his appointment of two Orangemen to the Parades Commission.

Published May 27, 2006

US urged to back immigration reform

A US Senate decision to fast-track new immigration measures has been welcomed in Ireland on behalf of many undocumented Irish citizens settled in the USA.

Published May 27, 2006

Moving tribute to member of Birmingham Six

Mourners at the funeral of one of the Birmingham Six, Richard McIlkenny, were told on Thursday that he has 'finally found freedom'.

Published May 27, 2006

Parades Commission was rigged

The British government encouraged leading organisers of contentious sectarian parades to apply for posts on the Parades Commission during a secret meeting last autumn, it has been revealed.

Published May 23, 2006

Tragic death of miscarriage of justice victim

The British government is being urged to apologise to the Birmingham Six following the death of one of the six, Richard McIlkenny.

Published May 23, 2006

US Congress backs Finucane cause

The US House of Representatives has voted overwhelmingly to call on the British government to reconsider its position on the inquiry into the murder of Pat Finucane.

Published May 23, 2006

Hunger strikers remembered

Thousands defied the rain to attend hunger-strike commemorations for South Armagh IRA man Raymond McCreesh and the Derry INLA hunger striker Patsy O’Hara.

Published May 23, 2006

Asylum protest ended

A week-long hunger and thirst strike by Afghan asylum-seekers protest in St Patrick’s cathedral in Dublin was dramatically ended late on Saturday night as garda police stormed the church.

Published May 23, 2006

Dark day for Ballymena nationalists

Loyalists attacked mourners on their way to the funeral of murdered Catholic schoolboy Michael McIlveen today.

Published May 17, 2006

Hypocrisy as UVF allies with UUP

The main political representative of the unionist paramilitary UVF has joined the assembly group of the Ulster Unionist Party in a move described both by nationalists and rival unionists as “breathtaking hypocrisy”.

Published May 17, 2006

Politician, policeman, paramilitary

It has emerged that a former deputy mayor of Ballymena was a leader of the unionist paramilitary UDA while he was a serving British Army officer.

Published May 17, 2006

Parades policy in crisis

Portadown Orangeman Don MacKay has been forced to resign from the Parades Commission after being exposed earlier this year for using false references when joining the commission.

Published May 17, 2006

Concern for Afghan hunger strikers

Asylum seekers from Afghanistan are mounting a determined hunger strike in Dublin's St Patrick's Cathedral in a campaign for refugee status.

Published May 17, 2006

Shadow of the Belfast Assembly

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams has said he will nominate DUP leader Ian Paisley as First Minister and his own party’s chief negotiator Martin McGuinness as Deputy First Minister when the Belfast Assembly is reconvened on Monday.

Published May 13, 2006

Paisley raises bar for SF

British Direct Ruler Peter Hain has said Sinn Fein will not be forced to publicly back policing in the North as a condition of power-sharing.

Published May 13, 2006

Internet censorship bid

The US government is to consider the possibility of blocking access to the website of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement following a meeting with relatives of the 1998 Omagh bomb.

Published May 13, 2006

26-County Army closer to conflict

Plans for participation in European Union battle groups by the 26-County Army has come in for strong criticism.

Published May 13, 2006

Bloody Sunday report for 2007

The final report of the Bloody Sunday inquiry will not be published until next year, the families of those killed have said.

Published May 13, 2006


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