[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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DUP resignation changes calculations

A scandal-hit assembly member quit Ian Paisley’s DUP yesterday, potentially altering the make-up of the North’s political institutions.

Published February 12, 2006

DUP apology for disinvitation

A Democratic Unionist party mayor has been forced to apologise to a Sinn Féin councillor and admit he was wrong.

Published February 12, 2006

Our struggle has advanced

Sinn Féin Dail Group Leader Caoimhghin O Caolain TD spoke comprehensively about the current political situation at the Annual General Meeting of Sinn Féin in the Six Counties at the weekend. The following is the full text of his address.

Published February 12, 2006


The Republican Prisoners’ Action Group have said they reject the “minimal nature” of recent proposals on Maghaberry prison policy by the Six County Prisons’ Minister, Shaun Woodward.

Published February 12, 2006

Talks fuel speculation on UDA, UVF disbandment

The husband of the Irish President held secret talks with the UDA in Belfast last week amid growing speculation about an imminent announcement by the unionist paramilitary group.

Published February 12, 2006

Irish troops readied in Euro war plan

News that Irish troops are to join European ‘battle groups’ in international conflict arenas has been met with grave concern by Irish progressives.

Published February 12, 2006

SDLP go missing on Irish unity vote

A County Tyrone council has become the first local authority in the North to declare its official support for Irish unity.

Published February 12, 2006

Paisley just a blip in the ongoing peace process

Even though Hain rule is misrule and unrepresentative rule, it is better than Paisley rule. We’ve waited for 800 years, what’s a few more?

Published February 8, 2006

Ownership of the Republic

Any attempt to conflate republicanism and sectarian Catholic attitudes cannot be sustained.

Published February 8, 2006

Special Branch knew of threat to Finucane family

Special Branch police were aware of a plot three years ago to kill the family of Pat Finucane but failed to inform them of the threat, it has been admitted.

Published February 8, 2006


The British government has rejected calls by the nationalist parties for the Belfast Assembly to be reconvened as political talks resumed in Belfast this week.

Published February 8, 2006

Lawyer ‘is member of UVF’

The PSNI police have alleged that a solicitor telephoned the unionist paramilitary UVF from a police station and said a man they shot should be “taken out” before he made a statement.

Published February 8, 2006

McDowell apologises for Ludlow lies

A statement, issued on behalf of a third party from the Six Counties, has said that new information would be made available on the Ludlow case if such an inquiry was set up.

Published February 8, 2006

Ireland gets border-free mobile network

A mobile phone network has scrapped roaming charges between the 26 Counties and the Six Counties for all of its customers for the first time.

Published February 8, 2006

Political allowances restored to Sinn Féin

Sinn Féin is to receive their allowances for the British parliament and Belfast Assembly after a motion to have them restored was passed tonight in the House of Commons in London.

Published February 8, 2006

Ugly McCarthyism in the body politic

By Colin O’Carroll (for Daily Ireland)

It’s hard to know whether to laugh or cry when faced with the latest execrable offering from the International Monitoring Commission (IMC). The toe-curling pomposity of the IMC’s pronouncements, their patronising chiding of the nationalist community for creating a “culture of unlawfulness”, and the vacuous nature of the allegations made against republicans are sick-making.

Published February 4, 2006

CIRA to fight on

Claims by the IMC that two new hardline republican paramilitary groups are operating in the North of Ireland has been greeted with doubts.

Published February 4, 2006

Inequality continues in NIO, PSNI

The latest figures has revealed that less than one in four of core departmental staff of the British government’s Northern Ireland Office is Catholic.

Published February 4, 2006

Rhetoric is not enough

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams MP made the following comments regarding the peace process to the National Conference of Ogra Shinn Féin, the party’s youth organisation, which met in Dublin City centre on Saturday.

Published February 4, 2006


A conflict has appeared in the political establishment over a report on IRA and unionist paramilitary activity by the government-mandated ‘Independent Monitoring Commission’.

Published February 4, 2006


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