[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Parties comment on govts' proposals

DUP leader Ian Paisley said this afternoon that considerable progress had been made during the talks at St Andrews in Scotland.

Published October 13, 2006

Full text of 'St Andrews Agreement'

The full text of the 'St Andrews Agreement', published today by the Dublin and London governments.

Published October 13, 2006

Govts outline 'St Andrews Agreement'

After three days of intensive negotiations in Scotland, the British Prime Minister and 26-County Taoiseach have set out a sequence of moves on policing and the restoration of local power-sharing in the North of Ireland.

Published October 13, 2006

Paisley issues ultimatum

Ian Paisley has demanded that Sinn Fein state clearly that it will support the PSNI police and encourage its community to work with the PSNI before it will agree to share power with Sinn Fein.

Published October 12, 2006

Sinn Féin determined to make progress - Adams

The Sinn Féin delegation for this weeks crucial peace talks arrived in Scotland earlier this morning. Gerry Adams delivered a significant speech ahead of the political negotiations in St. Andrews.

Published October 11, 2006

Remembering the RIR

Nationalist demonstrators blocked a main road in Belfast for more than an hour on Saturday to protest against a televised ceremony marking the disbandment of the British Army’s Royal Irish Regiment.

Published October 10, 2006

Paisley holds ‘useful’ talks with Catholic Primate

The first ever face-to-face talks between DUP leader Ian Paisley and the head of the Catholic Church in Ireland were very good and useful, Mr Paisley has said.

Published October 10, 2006

Journalist’s murder case inactive, five years on

On the fifth anniversary of the murder of Martin O’Hagan last week, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) said it had lost faith in the ability of the PSNI police to properly investigate the case.

Published October 10, 2006

Hunger striker fights for eyesight

The leader of the IRA prisoners in the H-Blocks in 1980 has undergone an operation to save his sight, badly damaged by 52 days of starvation during the first Hunger Strike.

Published October 10, 2006

Govt blamed for airline industry crisis

There are fears that an attempt by budget operator Ryanair to take over Aer Lingus, Ireland’s recently privatised national airline, could be detrimental for airline workers and travellers alike.

Published October 10, 2006

Paisley to meet Catholic Primate

A historic meeting between the head of the Catholic church in Ireland and Democratic Unionist Party leader Ian Paisley is scheduled to take place next week in Belfast.

Published October 5, 2006

Garda mayhem at Corrib gas protest

Mayo residents were shocked and angered this week after the 26 County state forcibly cleared sit-down protesters to allow construction workers enter the Corrib gas terminal site.

Published October 5, 2006

Hospital activists step up campaign

Campaigners for Monaghan Hospital may bring their protests at the downgrading of the hospital to the M50 motway in the coming weeks.

Published October 5, 2006

UDA faction to end violence - claim

The south-east Antrim ‘brigade’ of the unionist paramilitary UDA has claimed all its members will have stood down within the next five years.

Published October 5, 2006

Judicial review sought over use of Irish in court

A request for a judicial review has been put before the Crown Court in Belfast in regard to the case of a teacher who was arrested after speaking Irish.

Published October 5, 2006

Ahern apology preserves Dublin government

The 26-County Prime Minister, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern is set to continue in office with the support of his coalition partners after he made a public apology for receiving payments from business figures while serving as Minister for Finance in 1993.

Published October 3, 2006

Omagh bomb trial opens

A former British army major conceded yesterday that parts of a bomb examined in 1998 may have been “forensically altered”.

Published September 30, 2006

DUP man guilty of vote fraud

A former DUP mayor of Coleraine has admitted six charges of electoral fraud.

Published September 30, 2006

Sean O Cealleagh deported

A man jailed for life over the 1988 killing of two British army corporals in west Belfast has been deported from the U.S.

Published September 30, 2006

‘Groundhog day’ talks must end - Hain

DUP leader Ian Paisley has said that his party “will not be bullied” by a British government which has declared that a November 24th deadline for an agreement in talks is legally binding.

Published September 30, 2006


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