[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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PSNI not trusted with stun guns

The Chief Constable of the PSNI police, Hugh Orde, has been told to rethink plans to arm his force with 50,000-volt stun guns.

Published June 18, 2007

Ahern elected Taoiseach as Greens back FF/PD agenda

The 30th Dail has elected Bertie Ahern to a third term as Taoiseach in a three-party coalition between Fianna Fail, the Green Party and the Progressive Democrats.

Published June 14, 2007

Green Party set for coalition with FF, PDs

Green Party negotiators this evening agreed to join a Fianna Fail-led 26-County government and will put proposals to members tomorrow.

Published June 12, 2007

ETA ends ceasefire

The Basque group ETA has called off its 15-month-old ceasefire, marking the end of a troubled peace process with Spain.

Published June 11, 2007

‘Tour of the North’ to go ahead

The Parades Commission has ruled that a controversial Orange Order march can pass a north Belfast interface next week.

Published June 11, 2007

Ballymena man played dead

A Ballymena man has told a court in chilling detail how he played dead to escape being murdered and of having to watch and listen as his would-be sectarian killers plotted to saw up his body.

Published June 11, 2007

Councils struggle with power-sharing

A bitter war of words erupted between Sinn Féin and the SDLP at the weekend after the SDLP agreed a last-minute deal with Ulster Unionists to take the two top positions in Belfast City Hall.

Published June 11, 2007

Concern over Maghaberry death

A former republican socialist activist and volunteer is the latest in a long list of deaths which have occured in the ‘special supervision unit’ of Maghaberry Prison.

Published June 11, 2007

Coalition talks break down

Talks between Bertie Ahern’s Fianna Fail and the Green Party to agree a programme for a coalition government have broken down without a deal, raising new question marks over which parties will be in a position to form a government when the Dublin parliament sits next Thursday.

Published June 8, 2007

Coalition talks continue

Sinn Féin has said it will not be willing to support a minority government from the opposition benches amid continuing negotiations over possible coalition partnerships in Dublin.

Published June 4, 2007

Assembly debates policing powers

The policing Oversight Commissioner in the North, publishing his final report on the conversion of the RUC police to the PSNI, has warned that real change could be over a decade away.

Published June 4, 2007

Band parades provoke anger

Participants in a unionist band parade engaged in threatening and provocative behaviour in the small Suffolk estate in west Belfast on Saturday.

Published June 4, 2007

New ‘peace line’ divides school

A 25ft-high security fence is to be built inside the grounds of an integrated primary school to protect nearby homes from sectarian attacks.

Published June 4, 2007

Paisley Jr defends anti-gay views

Northern Executive junior minister Ian Paisley jnr has stood by controversial recent remarks denigrating homosexuality and has complained that criticism of the remarks amounted to an abuse of his freedom of expression.

Published June 4, 2007

SF takes up seats on Policing Board

Sinn Fein has taken up its position on the North’s Policing Board for the first time this morning.

Published May 31, 2007

Sinn Féin looks to the future

Sinn Féin’s hopes for a major breakthrough in the 26 Counties with this election were not borne out, despite some impressive performances and an increase of some 20,000 votes over their 1997 total.

Published May 29, 2007

Unionists block equality bill

A Sinn Féin motion calling for new equality legislation was defeated due to unionist opposition in the assembly last week.

Published May 29, 2007

NIO plot to renege on stop and search powers

British officials have proposed deploying special ‘anti-terrorist’ legislation across England, Scotland and Wales in an attempt to retain the repressive measures in Ireland.

Published May 29, 2007

PSNI accused of harassment

PSNI police have raided the home of a Strabane republican in an escalation of tensions between local republicans and the force.

Published May 29, 2007

Protestors defy Tara destruction

There have been clashes at the construction site in the Tara valley where the Dublin government is attempting to construct a motorway through an important archaeological site.

Published May 29, 2007


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