[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Springfield tensions rising

Tensions are rising ahead of a controversial Orange Order parade in west Belfast.

Published July 11, 2007

School atrocity plan revealed

A unionist paramilitary gang linked to British Crown forces planned to murder 30 Catholic schoolchildren in south Armagh in 1976, it has emerged.

Published July 11, 2007

Defending Long Kesh

Elements within Ian Paisley’s DUP are attempting to remove the historic status of the Long Kesh prison and hospital wing where hunger-strikers died.

Published July 11, 2007

PSNI found guilty of serious discrimination

The PSNI police are refusing to pay after an equality tribunal issued a judgement in favour of a police photographer who suffered abuse for marrying a Catholic.

Published July 11, 2007

RUC man blows whistle on collusion cover-up

A former RUC police ‘whistleblower’ has blasted a decision not to prosecute 20 members of the British Crown forces who had previously been identified in the investigations by John Stevens as having been involved in collusion with unionist paramilitaries.

Published July 4, 2007

Vicious sectarian attack in north Belfast

A 15-year-old Catholic boy was beaten unconscious with a golf club in a savage attack by a sectarian gang who then tied wire around his neck and dragged him along a street.

Published July 4, 2007

Adams calls in PSNI chief

Members of the Irish Republican Socialist Party have protested outside a hall last night where PSNI chief Hugh Orde, at the invitation of Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams, spoke in west Belfast on how to tackle anti-social crime.

Published July 4, 2007

‘Dignified’ protest at Whiterock Parade

A sectarian parade by the Protestant Orange Order passed off without incident in west Belfast on Saturday.

Published July 4, 2007

New focus to campaign for undocumented Irish

Campaigners on behalf of undocumented Irish immigrants in the United States are pressing for a special immigration deal for Ireland after the US Senate rejected a comprehensive reform Bill.

Published July 4, 2007

Shaun Woodward replaces Peter Hain as Northern Secretary

Shaun Woodward has been named as Britain’s new Northern Secretary, replacing Peter Hain.

Published June 28, 2007

Blair resigns; Gordon Brown becomes British PM

In a carefully choreographed handover of power in London, Tony Blair has tendered his resignation as British Prime Minister to the Queen at Buckinghame Palace.

Published June 27, 2007

New body to rewrite history

Sinn Féin’s Martin McGuinness has strongly criticised British Secretary Peter Hain and former Policing Board vice chairman Denis Bradley over the establishment of a new group to ostensibly examine ways to deal with the past conflict.

Published June 27, 2007

British soldiers pull out of south Armagh

The last British soldiers pulled out of south Armagh at the weekend.

Published June 27, 2007

Anger over Whiterock parade

Nationalist residents are considering legal action following a Parades Commission ruling on the controversial Whiterock parade in west Belfast next Saturday.

Published June 27, 2007

New Police Ombudsman appointed

There has been a cautious welcome to the appointment of former oversight commissioner Al Hutchinson as Police Ombudsman in the North.

Published June 27, 2007

Employment discrimination continues - report

Unemployment among Catholics remains twice that of Protestants, despite advances in the peace process and increasing employment north of the border.

Published June 27, 2007

Ahern names Cabinet; vows not to govern indefinitely

Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has given the clearest signal yet that Tanaiste Brian Cowen will replace him as leader of Fianna Fail and Taoiseach during the course of the new parliament in Dublin.

Published June 18, 2007

All change as Adams, McGuinness meet Blair, Salmond

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams and the party Chief Negotiator Martin McGuinness have held what is expected to be their last talks with the British Prime Minister Tony Blair in the House of Commons.

Published June 18, 2007

No peace process for ‘Larry the Chef’

Larry Zaitschek, the American chef who faces extradition proceedings against him over the so-called Castlereagh barracks ‘break-in’, has been warned by the FBI that he faces a death threat if he returns to the North.

Published June 18, 2007

‘Real IRA’ admits McGurk killing

A breakaway republican paramilitary group has admitted responsibility for the murder of a father-of-five in west Belfast four years ago, saying the killing was “criminally wrong”.

Published June 18, 2007


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