[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Poll shows drop for govt, support for Lisbon

govtpoll.jpg Public support for the 26-County government, the Taoiseach Brian Cowen and his Fianna Fail party has collapsed to the lowest level recorded since polling began more than a quarter of a century ago.

Published November 21, 2008

Talks deal announced at Stormont

The North's First and Deputy First Ministers have said that their parties have reached an agreement on the devolution of policing and justice powers from London to Belfast.

Published November 18, 2008

Stone found guilty of attemped murder

Loyalist killer Michael Stone was found guilty today of attempting to murder Sinn Féin leaders Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness in a one-man armed attack on the Stormont Assembly.

Published November 14, 2008

SDLP crosses the line

sdlp.jpg The SDLP is to cease designating itself as a nationalist party in the Stormont Assembly in a move that could herald a realignment in politics in the North.

Published November 13, 2008

Dismay at Holy Cross ruling

holycross.jpg Britain’s highest court has denied that former RUC police chief Ronnie Flanagan failed to protect Catholic schoolgirls from degrading and inhumane treatment during the Holy Cross dispute.

Published November 13, 2008

Progress in search for ‘Disappeared’

disappeared.jpg Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has welcomed the discovery of what appear to be the remains of Danny McIlhone, a victim of the conflict who was killed by the IRA in 1981.

Published November 13, 2008

PDs out, Libertas in?

pds.jpg A decision taken by the Progressive Democrats party at the weekend to disband after 23 years in existence has been widely welcomed.

Published November 13, 2008

Call for British Army base to be Tan War museum

ballykinlarold.jpg While debate drags on over the future of the prison at Long Kesh there have been calls for an army base in County Down to be transformed into a War of Independence tourism centre.

Published November 13, 2008

British Army’s march of shame

rirloyalists2.jpg Last weekend saw a major setback for the peace process as British forces staged a provocative sectarian parade through Belfast city centre.

Published November 7, 2008

Tensions spill over in east Belfast

eastbelfast.jpg Two nights of violence at an east Belfast interface erupted after St Matthew’s Church and nationalist homes in the Short Strand came under attack from fireworks, stones and petrol bombs this week.

Published November 7, 2008

PSNI funds go to UVF, not investigations

psniuvf.jpg PSNI police chief Hugh Orde was forced to publicly apologise this week after it emerged that his force had lied about millions of pounds it paid to a construction firm connected to the UVF.

Published November 7, 2008

Paisley calls for Taser attack as war of words goes on

paisleyjnr.jpg Ian Paisley jnr told a DUP audience at the weekend that he would like to see his fellow Policing Board member, Sinn Féin’s Martina Anderson, ‘Tasered’.

Published November 7, 2008

Disappointment at Bloody Sunday Inquiry delay

bloodysunday.jpg The final report into the Bloody Sunday killings will not now be ready until, at the earliest, the autumn of next year.

Published November 7, 2008

RIR parade passes quietly

A British Army parade has passed off relatively quietly in Belfast city centre this morning in one of the largest Crown force operations seen in the city in many years.

Published November 2, 2008

Anger at education cutbacks

eduprot.jpg Up to 15,000 teachers, parents and students gathered outside the Leinster House parliament in Dublin this week to express their opposition to spending cuts by the 26 County government.

Published October 31, 2008

Call for govts to intervene at Stormont

stormontstatue.jpg The political crisis at Stormont has deepened with DUP leader Peter suggesting that the British government should respond to the continuing stalemate.

Published October 31, 2008

Inquest reopens after coroner views secret files

lurganlandmine.jpg The North’s most senior coroner John Leckey has revealed that new evidence had been uncovered in top secret Crown force files regarding an IRA attack in 1982.

Published October 31, 2008

Anti-Irish penal law challenged

judges.jpg A British ban on the use of the Irish language in courts in the North which stretches back to 1737 was challenged this week.

Published October 31, 2008

New republican unity project launched

32csmirsp.jpg A number of different republican groups have said they will join forces to explore a united approach in future.

Published October 31, 2008

Republicans to protest RIR triumphalism

rirmarch.jpg Sinn Féin and eirigi are to stage separate protests against a British Army parade through Belfast city centre on Sunday week.

Published October 24, 2008


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