[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Counting continues; coalition talks underway

Fine Gael and Labour have commenced talks on the formation of a new coalition government following a historic collapse in the vote of the outgoing coalition partners, Fianna Fail and the Green Party.

Published February 28, 2011

Seats pile in for Sinn Fein

A series of stunning upsets has seen Sinn Fein dominate news coverage of the election by winning 13 seats so far.

Published February 27, 2011

Further gains for SF; Crowe, O Caolain, Mac Lochlainn elected

Sinn Fein’s Sean Crowe has returned to the Dail, reversing his painful loss in 2007. Mr Crowe took the third of four seats in Dublin South-West on the sixth count, with the help of transfers from the Socialist Party.

Published February 26, 2011

Gerry Adams elected TD for Louth; Pearse Doherty re-elected

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams has topped the poll and secured election on the first count amid jubilant scenes at the constituency count centre in Louth.

Published February 26, 2011

Results begin to be announced in General Election

First count declarations are currrently coming in from Friday’s 26-County General Election.

Published February 26, 2011

Adams set to win seat in Dail

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams is on course to win a seat for the party in Louth as his party looks set to achieve a historic breakthrough in Friday's general election in the 26 Counties.

Published February 26, 2011

Exit poll released as election count begins

Counting begins this morning in the 26-County General Election in which Fine Gael is expected to take power following a collapse in the Fianna Fail vote.

Published February 26, 2011

‘Make a stand’ - SF

adamsjimlarkin.jpg In the last pre-election rally, Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams vowed his party would stand up for Irish citizens against bad government and bad government decisions.

Published February 25, 2011

Historic election is underway

ballotbox.jpg Polling stations will remain open until 10pm on Friday in what is sure to be one of the most significant Irish elections in recent times. Voting has already begun on Ireland’s offshore islands.

Published February 25, 2011

Final insult for McGurk’s massacre families

mcgurksbar2.jpg The memories of the 15 McGurk’s bar victims have been vindicated by a new report on the atrocity, but relatives of the dead and injured are still angry over a shocking response to the report by the current PSNI police chief Matt Baggott.

Published February 25, 2011

Stormont parties squabble over coalition carve-up

stormontstatue.jpg Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness has accused two parties within the struggling Stormont Executive of trying to cut his party out of the Six-County administration.

Published February 25, 2011

Date set for Pearse Jordan inquest

pearsejordan.jpg An inquest into the death of unarmed IRA man Pearse Jordan, shot by police in west Belfast almost 20 years ago, may be held in October.

Published February 25, 2011

Libyan rescue bid ends in fiasco

libyaplane.jpg An attempt to evacuate desperate Irish citizens fleeing from the chaos of Libya’s descent into civil war failed on Wednesday night.

Published February 25, 2011

The return of Tweedledee?

finegael.jpg Fine Gael is likely to be in a position to form a new Dublin government next week as opinion polls show Sinn Fein, Labour and Fianna Fail now in the race for second place in Friday’s 26-County general election.

Published February 21, 2011

Gerry McGeough ‘jailed for his beliefs’

gerrymcgeoughposter.jpg A former member of the Sinn Fein leadership has been put behind bars in Maghaberry Prison after being convicted for an IRA action 30 years ago.

Published February 21, 2011

Sinn Fein in campaign overdrive

sfelectionbillboard.jpg With less than a week to go, Sinn Féin has sharply escalated its 26-County general election campaign by outlining key policies in a number of high-profile media events.

Published February 21, 2011

Breakaway groups struggle to assert role

realsinnfein.jpg A Republican Sinn Fein breakaway group elected a leadership for itself at a gathering of the organisation at the weekend.

Published February 21, 2011

Monument to Brendan Hughes destroyed

hughesmemorialsmashed.jpg A granite monument in honour of former IRA hunger striker Brendan ‘The Dark’ Hughes has been vandalised within days of being unveiled.

Published February 21, 2011

Coins marked as ‘RIRA’ currency

riracoin.jpg Dissident republicans in Belfast are engraving pound coins with the initials of the breakaway ‘Real IRA’.

Published February 21, 2011

Gerry McGeough convicted by Diplock court

Promiment Tyrone republican and former Sinn Fein Ard Chomhairle member Gerry McGeough has been found guilty of taking part in an IRA attack on a British soldier in August 1981

Published February 18, 2011


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