[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Government’s self-loathing over Rising centenary

flyingcolumnphoto.jpg A reference to the executions of 1916 leaders and a photograph of IRA Volunteers were removed from a leaflet launching the Dublin government’s programme of Easter Rising centenary events last November, it has been confirmed.

Published April 4, 2015

Water protests continue amid corruption questions

right2watermarch.jpg Just under 90,000 people marched in Dublin on Saturday in the latest anti-austerity protest against the 26 County government’s new water charges as a scandal over the operation of Irish Water, the new national water board, has expanded.

Published March 28, 2015

Britain may expose royal pardon recipients

gerrykellybig.jpg British Prime Minister David Cameron has threatened to identify leading republicans who received British royal pardons following a furore over the revelation that senior Sinn Fein politician Gerry Kelly received a pardon in the 1980s.

Published March 28, 2015

Loyalist attacks go unchecked in Antrim

carryduffflags.jpg A single gang of unionist paramilitaries is thought to be behind a murder and a spate of shooting and beatings across the North Antrim and Coleraine areas.

Published March 28, 2015

Constant harassment for ex-PoW with speech problem

mervynspeech.jpg A former republican prisoner who suffers from a severe speech impediment is afraid to leave his Belfast home because of constant harassment by the PSNI police.

Published March 28, 2015

Kenny visits site of Ballymurphy massacre

kennyballymurphy.jpg The families of 10 innocent civilians killed in the 1971 Ballymurphy massacre have described a meeting with Taoiseach Enda Kenny this week as a “positive move forward”.

Published March 28, 2015

Britain to send spies, royals for 1916 events

srrtraining.jpg A secret British army undercover unit may be redeployed to Ireland in the run-up to the centenary of the 1916 Rising, according to reports.

Published March 28, 2015

Washington takes a back seat

adamshillaryclinton.jpg Political activity in the north of Ireland was unexpectedly set back this week when the US State Department cancelled a meeting with Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams in Washington DC.

Published March 21, 2015

St Patrick’s Day parades pass without major trouble

patricksdaycrowd.jpg There were only relatively minor incidents in Belfast on Tuesday after a loyalist flag protest outside Belfast City Hall was held as thousands gathered to celebrate the feast day of Ireland’s patron saint.

Published March 21, 2015

Arrests at Maghaberry ‘choreographed’

maghaberryjustice.jpg Republican prisoners in Maghaberry jail have condemned the arrest and interrogation of five of their number.

Published March 21, 2015

Helsinki Commission hears of Glenanne cover-up

cadwallader.jpg There has been “dishonourable silence” from the British government on evidence of deep collusion between the British forces in Ireland and unionist paramilitaries during the conflict, an Irish human rights researcher author has told a US congressional panel.

Published March 21, 2015

‘We refuse to pay’ - Right2Water

watermarch21.jpg Tens of thousands are preparing to march in Dublin today in the latest anti-austerity protest. Three separate marches, highlighting the impact of austerity and the new tax on tap water, are planned for Saturday afternoon.

Published March 21, 2015

Frazer calls off ‘Love Ulster 2’; Bryson convicted

frazerbryson.jpg A sectarian parade through Dublin has been cancelled after organisers claimed the Dublin government is preparing to hand over files to an inquest.

Published March 21, 2015

Hope abides for ‘crucified’ Stormont

stormontstrikemar13.jpg Almost a hundred thousand people took the streets in the North’s biggest protest against austerity cuts on Friday as Sinn Fein battled accusations that it has let down working class voters and the poor in the negotiation of the Stormont House Agreement.

Published March 14, 2015

New abuse case fuels anti-SF media campaign

paudiemcgahon.jpg The emergence of a second historical case in which a teenager was allegedly abused by an IRA member has reignited a controversy begun six months ago over Sinn Fein’s handling of such matters.

Published March 14, 2015

Death of ‘no-frills’ unionist patriarch

molyneaux.jpg Former Ulster Unionist leader Jim Molyneaux died on Monday at the age of 94. A deeply conservative Orangeman, he led the party from 1979 until 1995.

Published March 14, 2015

Loyalists return to the streets

flag0315.jpg A plan by the Orange Order for orchestrated street disturbances in north Belfast has raised fears of a renewal of conflict in the area.

Published March 14, 2015

Collusion with Mount Vernon UVF admitted

johnflynn.jpg The British Crown forces in the north of Ireland have for the first time admitted collusion with a notorious loyalist killer in the unionist paramilitary UVF.

Published March 14, 2015

Fears of ‘legacy’ cover-ups for British Army killers

benburbmurder.jpg The family of a man with special needs who was shot dead by the British Army in 1974 have said they have no faith in a re-opened police investigation by the PSNI’s ‘Legacy Investigation Branch’.

Published March 14, 2015

Anti water-charge protestors are released

the5arefree.jpg The President of the High Court in Dublin has this afternoon directed the immediate release of four anti-water charges protesters over a technicality regarding the manner of their committal.

Published March 9, 2015


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