[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Unanswered questions at McColgan inquest

danielmccolgan.jpg Sinn Fein has said the PSNI and British government have questions to answer over the murder of Catholic man Danny McColgan.

Published October 10, 2015

New political merger announced amid election fever

aaapbp.jpg Speculation has mounted that Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny could announce a general election in the 26 Counties for November after he repeatedly refused to rule out the possibility this weekn when questioned by journalists.

Published October 10, 2015

Nine bailed, but injustice and abuses continue

christineconnor.jpg There has been a positive development in the campaign against internment by remand in the North, with nine republican prisoners arrested in a high-profile raid in Newry last year, including one until recently on hunger strike, all receiving bail.

Published October 10, 2015

McGuinness under pressure in apology process

mcguinnesskearney.jpg Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness has said he is proud of what he did in the IRA and will not apologise to anyone, despite a statement by his party’s northern chairman that he was sorry for the hurt experienced by the British military during the conflict.

Published October 10, 2015

Demonstrations to oppose new PSNI recruitment campaign

psnirecruitmentprotest.jpg A recruitment drive by the PSNI has been hit by republican protests and security alerts at locations across the North.

Published October 10, 2015

PSNI defiant as Adams cleared over 1972 killing

adamshamilton.jpg Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams has warned there are elements within the PSNI police in the North who are working against his party after it was confirmed he will not be prosecuted in connection with the IRA execution of an alleged informer 43 years ago.

Published October 3, 2015

Fears of gigantic and prolonged corruption at NAMA

dalynoonan.jpg There was a telling development in the scandal over Ireland’s ‘bad bank’ this week as the Dublin government attempted to derail a parliamentary committee’s investigation by releasing a sheaf of documents on the eve of a public meeting of the panel.

Published October 3, 2015

US pols ready to assist in Stormont crisis

clintonhart.jpg Former US President Bill Clinton and former US Presidential candidate Gary Hart are both engaged in a trans-atlantic effort to sustain the worn-down power-sharing administration in the north of Ireland.

Published October 3, 2015

Anger over harassment by British troops

barmydungiven.jpg Children were left terrified by heavily armed British soldiers in County Derry when several lorries filled with troops carried out foot patrols near Dungiven last Friday, September 25.

Published October 3, 2015

The crime of being Catholic, 40 years on

peggyhale.jpg The sister of a Catholic woman murdered by the Glennane Gang has spoken out in search of justice for Peggy Hale, 40 years after her death.

Published October 3, 2015

British Labour Party to pay tribute to Irish revolutionary

countessmarkievicz.jpg British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has announced plans to honour the Irish republican hero Countess Markievicz, the first woman ever elected to the Westminster parliament in London.

Published October 3, 2015

SDLP spells it out

alasdairmcdonnell2.jpg Amid the latest bout of crisis talks in Belfast, SDLP leader Alasdair McDonnell has warned that the Democratic Unionist Party simply don’t want to work with Catholics.

Published September 26, 2015

‘Change of heart’ by PSNI on McGurk’s massacre

mcgurksmassacre.jpg The PSNI has been forced to accept a finding that the original police investigation into the McGurk’s Bar bombing was biased.

Published September 26, 2015

British Labour leader backs Irish self-determination

mcdonnellcorbyn.jpg Jeremy Corbyn has reiterated his support for a united Ireland amid an ongoing hysterical reaction in Britain to the election of the socialist as leader of the Labour Party there.

Published September 26, 2015

Dublin parliament returns amid scenes of death and despair

elderlybegging.jpg The body of a homeless man could be the first of several grim discoveries through the winter months following a complete failure of the coalition government to confront the crisis of poverty and inequality in the 26 Counties.

Published September 26, 2015

Britain’s dirty secrets given precedence over truth and justice

villiers2.jpg The independence of the planned Historical Investigations Unit (HIU) has already been compromised by news that the British Direct Ruler Theresa Villiers is to grant herself a power to veto the contents of investigation reports to families on ‘national security’ grounds.

Published September 26, 2015

Gloves off as names are named in NAMA scandal

brysonnama.jpg There were a number of important developments in the corruption scandal over the sale of the ‘Project Eagle’ portfolio this week.

Published September 26, 2015

Talks back on track

mcguinnessrobinsonclash.jpg Sinn Fein has said it is willing to help find a way to deal with armed groups, including former Provisional IRA elements, as it was confirmed that multi-party crisis talks are to go ahead at Stormont next week.

Published September 19, 2015

Fears for prisoner on second hunger strike

hannawaybig.jpg A relative of Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams is already into his third week on a prison hunger strike over conditions in Maghaberry, it has emerged.

Published September 19, 2015

PSNI harassment of ex-prisoner ends in tragedy

mcerlean.jpg A former republican prisoner who was violently arrested while putting up a suicide awareness poster on a lamppost has taken his own life.

Published September 19, 2015


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