[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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UVF case abandoned

garyhaggarty600.jpg Another loyalist ‘supergrass’ case has collapsed with the news that not one of the loyalists or Special Branch police named in court by informer Gary Haggarty will face prosecution.

Published October 14, 2017

How the DUP bought UDA votes

robinnewton.jpg New details of a corruption scandal have undermined efforts to restore the Stormont Assembly in Belfast, despite reports of progress in negotiations.

Published October 14, 2017

Judge ignored ‘not guilty’ statement

christineconnor2.jpg A republican jailed on IRA charges has launched a bid to overturn her conviction.

Published October 14, 2017

PSNI withhold report on Special Branch reform

johnmorton.jpg The PSNI police in the north of Ireland has refused to release a report on policing reform in the 1970s written by a British intelligence officer with openly racist views.

Published October 14, 2017

Independence on hold for Catalonia

puigdemont.jpg Members of the Catalan parliament have signed a declaration of independence from Spain but have agreed to suspend its implementation pending talks with the Madrid government.

Published October 14, 2017

‘Bonkers’ budget a media exercise

paschaldonohue.jpg The Dublin government has set aside five million euro for a new public relations department but said it has no funds to pay thousands of pensions blocked by a rule described by the Minister for Finance himself as ‘bonkers and unbelievable’.

Published October 14, 2017

‘Long live Catalonia’

catalans.jpg Irish nationalists have united in solidarity with Catalonia and in condemnation of the attempted suppression of this week’s independence poll.

Published October 7, 2017

Sinn Fein facing potential split

melissaoneill.jpg Sinn Fein could be facing a damaging split over its internal party management, according to reports. A number of rows and expulsions in recent months has seen some members already link up in a potential new national structure.

Published October 7, 2017

Hamilton admits UVF behind shared-space intimidation

cantrellflee.jpg The PSNI has been forced to admit unionist paramilitaries were behind threats which caused four Catholic families to flee their south Belfast homes.

Published October 7, 2017

Stormont talks approach ‘decision time’

oneillfostertoryconf.jpg With only weeks left until a British-imposed deadline for a deal on power-sharing talks, Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill and the DUP leader Arlene Foster have clashed in an unusual public event.

Published October 7, 2017

Protests over PSNI harassment

stopandsearchcar.jpg A republican protest is set to take place against the PSNI after dozens of incidents of harassment in recent weeks.

Published October 7, 2017

Legal action over Ireland’s unwanted billions

apple13billion.jpg The Dublin government is being taken to the European Court of Justice over its refusal to collect 13 billion euro in taxes from US tech giant Apple.

Published October 7, 2017

Independence voters attacked by Spanish riot police

catalpensioner.jpg Scores of polling station workers and voters alike have been injured in Catalonia as an official referendum on independence today was violently suppressed by the Spanish authorities in Madrid.

Published October 1, 2017

Catholics free ‘shared community’

cantrellflags.jpg Catholic families in a cross-community housing development in Belfast have been ordered to leave their homes in a sectarian threat from the unionist paramilitary UVF.

Published September 30, 2017

Adams recommits to Stormont at Ashe commemoration

adamsashe.jpg Speaking at Sinn Fein’s main commemoration for hunger striker Thomas Ashe, who died as a result of force-feeding five days into a hunger strike in Mountjoy Jail in September 1917, Gerry Adams has said said his party is still committed to making a deal with the DUP to return to powersharing.

Published September 30, 2017

EU parliament to back special status for North

verhofborder.jpg In a u-turn, the European Parliament is set to call for the North of Ireland to remain part of the EU single market and customs union.

Published September 30, 2017

Documents prove military lied about killings

mcareaveysmyth.jpg Fresh inquests have been sought into the deaths of two IRA Volunteers in separate incidents in 1972 and 1973 after documents emerged which confirmed that the men were unlawfully killed by British soldiers.

Published September 30, 2017

Judicial review takes place into Hegarty decision

danielhegarty600.jpg Self-defence claims raised by a British soldier who shot an innocent teenager at point-blank range in Derry 45 years ago have been stripped of all credibility, the High Court has heard.

Published September 30, 2017

‘Freedom for Catalonia’

guardiacivil.jpg A sudden and violent attempt to suppress the Catalan independence movement by the Madrid government has shocked those struggling for self-determination across the world.

Published September 23, 2017

Soldiers’ impunity bid challenged by victims’ families

johnpatsoldiers.jpg A demonstration in support of killer British troops was dramatically opposed by relatives and supporters of their Irish victims.

Published September 23, 2017


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