Republican News ยท Thursday 11 September 2003

[An Phoblacht]

PSNI fail to warn mother of three of threats

A POLEGLASS MOTHER is accusing the PSNI of putting her life in danger after she discovered that her details were found on a loyalist floppy disc seized during searches nine months ago - yet she wasn't informed until last week.

The mother of three children, who wishes to remain anonymous, said a card had been left at her house by the PSNI, asking her to contact them on a matter of urgency regarding a threat message.

``I had no idea what they were talking about, so I went to Woodbourne PSNI barracks, where I was informed, by a female officer, that my address had been found on a floppy disc during a raid on houses in the Greater Belfast area on January 9. I was told the disc had been in possession of the UDA.''

The terrified woman said she can't understand why the PSNI took nine months to tell her about the threat. ``The PSNI told me the threat was to the house and not to me, what does that mean? I've lived here for 14 years.

ything could have happened to me over the past year, yet the PSNI didn't think it was necessary to tell me until now''.

Former Sinn Fein assembly member Sue Ramsey told An Phoblacht she was astonished at the PSNI's behaviour in this matter.

``This is a complete disgrace, I have advised this woman to contact her solicitor. I would also advise the nationalist community to be very vigilant and to be aware the UDA are still targeting and compiling information on Catholics.''

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