Republican News ยท Thursday 22 May 2003

[An Phoblacht]

Welcome for Domestic Violence body

The launch of the National Domestic Violence Intervention Agency is an essential step in the right direction to combat a serious and pervasive social problem affecting nearly one in five Irish women.

Every woman, man, older person, and child has an equal right to safety and security in their homes, and to live free of abuse in their personal and family relationships. But the statistics are appalling - particularly concerning violence against women in Irish society. Almost one in five Irish women have been abused by a current or former partner. Fully 88% of domestic violence fatalities have a documented history of physical abuse.

The many volunteers and groups like Women's Aid who have worked so hard over many years to bring this issue into the public domain, to destigmatise those who suffer abuse, and to convince politicians of the importance of action deserve to be congratulated.

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