Republican News ยท Thursday 8 May 2003

[An Phoblacht]

Publish the Stevens' Report

On Wednesday, PSNI Chief Constable Hugh Orde met the Policing Board to discuss the Stevens' Report.

That document, or the fraction of it that has been made public, demonstrates the existence of the wholesale and systematic collusion of the British state with unionist paramilitaries in the killing of citizens.

The issue of state sponsored murder is of the deepest and gravest concern to the public. The Stevens' Report should be published in full. It is in the public interest. There should be no excuses.

The Policing Board should not provide cover for Hugh Orde or anyone else who wishes to block the publication of this report.

The families who have lost loved ones as a result of a British state policy of colluding in the murder of citizens are demanding an independent international judicial inquiry.

They deserve no less.

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