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. | IRA anger at abuse of trustThe mostimportant thing to say today is that Mr Blair's decision to stop theelections is a serious mistake and a slap in the face to the GoodFriday Agreement.Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams made his point very clear at apress conference in London, a day after thepublication of the IRA statement that the British and Dublingovernments have tried to use as a reason for the suspension ofelections in the Six Counties. more
MI5 man accused of misleading SavilleMI5intelligence officer, identified only as 'Julian', was accused onTuesday of deliberate misleading the Saville Inquiry.Rain no deterrent as hunger strikers are honouredRain could notdampen the spirits of the many thousands who turned out for the annualHunger Strike commemoration in West Belfast this past Sunday, 4 May.UDA ceasefire! What ceasefire?The UDA ceasefirehas once again been called into question after its members attacked thehideaway home of former UDA leader Johnny Adair's exiled wife Gina inBolton, Greater Manchester on Wednesday 30 April.Unionist thugs target family of murdered teenUnionistparamilitaries have been targeting the family of murdered teenagerCiaran Cummings in Antrim.Second FRU agent namedDetails ofanother FRU agent working high in the ranks of the UDA began to emergethis week.Insisting on our democratic rightsPAUL O'CONNOR writes that, given last week'sevents, there are a few matters on which he'd like clarification.SF All-Ireland farming delegation visits BrusselsA delegation representing the interests of all Irish farmersand people living in rural areas went to Brussels this week.Doherty presses minister on Desmonds Job lossesDesmonds is to shed 482 jobs with theclosure of its Omagh, Swatragh and Irvinestown factories.Two Ireland's set for collision courseWelcome to theland of two economies, two realities, two separate Irelands, writes ROBBIE SMYTH.12 May rally on Moore StreetFour SinnFéin Councillors in Dublin have initiated a campaign to try andsave number 16 Moore Street from the demolition squad.Miscarriage victim cleared at lastA man who servednine years in prison for an offence he didn't commit had his convictionquashed in the High Court in Belfast this week.Smokin' Joe visits BelfastFormer worldheavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier kept a promise made to SinnFéin mayor of Belfast, Alex Maskey in Philadelphia earlier thisyear.Tralee poll protestUp to 20 membersof Ógra Shinn Féin held a demonstration in Tralee onSaturday 3 May against the postponement of the Assembly Elections inthe Six Counties.Death of Walter SisuluWalter Sisulu,former Secretary-General of the ANC, died on Monday in the arms of hiswife at their Johannesburg home. He was two weeks shy of his 91stbirthday.DAILY REPUBLICAN NEWS SERVICE
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