Republican News ยท Thursday 31 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

McCauley attends Donegal Colombia Three events

Cristin McCauley, the wife of Martin McCauley, one of the three Irish men held in Colombia, attended two events held last Friday in Letterkenny in support of the national Bring Them Home campaign to free the men.

The first event was a protest at 6pm last Friday at the station road roundabout in the town. According to the organiser of the protest, Chairperson of the local Bring Them Home committee, James Frize, Cristin McCauley was delighted with the large number of people who beeped their car horns in support of the assembled protesters for the one-hour duration of the protest.

The next event of the night was a well-attended Colombia Three Support dance in the Pentagon bar, Letterkenny. Speaking of the plight of her husband, Martin and the other two captives, Donegal man, Jim Monaghan and Niall Connolly, McCauley said: "They are being held on trumped up charges that our legal team have dissected and exposed one by one from the allegations of video evidence to the so called forensic evidence of explosives right up to the witness statements. From the moment of their incarceration their lives have been at risk by right-wing paramilitaries held in close proximity to them. For five months my husband was held in isolation in an attempt to break his spirits.

"I call on the people of Donegal to lobby your local political representatives to fight for their immediate release from this discredited regime. We need your support to bring them home."

James Frize has appealed to concerned supporters to immediately send donations to the Colombia Three defence fund because of the huge financial burden of forming a defence for the ongoing trial. Anyone wishing to contribute to the fund should contact, Bank of Ireland, Andersontown Road Branch. The Sort Code is 902442 and the account number is 78717079.

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