Republican News ยท Thursday 13 March 2003

[An Phoblacht]

21 March - Day Against Racism

Friday 21 March marks International Day Against Racism, which falls this year during European Week Against Racism (16-23 March).

The National Consultative Commitee on Racism and Interculturalism (NCCRI), in partnership with the Know Racism Programme and the Six-County Equality Commission, is helping to develop a coordinated approach across Ireland for the day. All over the country, groups have organised events, ranging from theatre performances to festivals to radio programmes and food fairs to art and crafts exhibitions, photographic exhibitions and sports events.

This year there is a particular focus on two themes, the inclusion of women from minority ethnic groups and the role of anti-racism awareness training in developing strategies to address racism.

The organisers also hope to create increased awarness about the growing number of racist attacks and incidents of descrimination based on race in Ireland. They also aim to highlight the achievements and work of the United Nations World Conference Against Racism and of domestic organisation such as the NCCRI and Know Racism.

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