Republican News ยท Thursday 13 March 2003

[An Phoblacht]

Bloody Sunday meeting in Preston


The Bloody Sunday Organising Committee held a public meeting in Preston on Tuesday, 25 February.

The Committee's Northern Coordinator introduced Gerry Duddy and John Kelly to the audience, comprised of local business people, students, Amnesty International and members of the local community.

Gerry Duddy spoke of the feeling of the families at the travesty of the Widgery Inquiry. He reminded the audience that the inquiry lasted 21 days, whereas Christopher Clarke's opening speech alone to the Saville Inquiry lasted 42.

He introduced a video that portrayed the events in the north of Ireland leading up to Bloody Sunday, which was followed by another video that included the horrific events of the day in slide format, which concentrated the mind and visibly moved many in the audience.

John Kelly then gave details of the 14 innocent civilians who were killed and the 14 who the Parachute Regiment attempted to kill and he explained how people are still suffering today.

John said that the families would not be deterred in their quest for truth and justice; too much depends on it, both now and in the future. He gave examples of other families whose loved ones were murdered and spoke of the 'Open Up the Files' campaign.

The meeting ended with a lengthy question and answer session to which the majority of the audience contributed.

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