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Tough talks aheadThis week, Sinn Féin leaders are travelling to 20 cities in North America to inform Irish American supporters of the progress made to date and to seek support for the tough talking that remains if a deal is to be secured. more
The Right to VoteAn Phoblacht's ÁINE NÍ BHRIAN examines how new legislation in the North has worked to disenfranchise tens of thousands of voters.Soldier recalls "an appalling slaughter"A former British Army Major told the Saville inquiry on Monday that the Paras were a "dreadful and ghastly" regiment.Notorious loyalist walks freeThe North's judiciary is at the centre of a new controversy after a notorious loyalist Darren Watson was allowed to walk free from court.Taoiseach urged to move on National RepresentationSinn Féin has put the case for representation in both Houses of the Oireachtas for Irish Citizens throughout the 32 Counties.Government-funded website brands FinucaneA website has made the inflamatory claim that human rights lawyer Pat Finucane was a leading member of the IRA.Stephen Rea backs Gaelscoil funding driveA new multi-million pound plan to fund the continuing boom in Irish-language schooling will be launched this week.Tom Smith CommemorationSt Patrick's Day, marks the 28th anniversary of the death of IRA Volunteer Tom Smith.The Drumboe Martyrs 1923-2003This year marks the 80th anniversary of the ending of the Civil War, one of the saddest and most tragic chapters of Irish history.Measuring Equality under the Good Friday AgreementSinn Féin held a conference to facilitate debate and engagement on the broad topic of equality last week.Guilty verdict for McComb death driverA West Belfast man has been found guilty of dangerous driving causing the death of 15-year-old Debbie McComb.Ageing well with MaskeySinn Féin Mayor of Belfast Alex Maskey recently met with the Tar Anall Family Support 'Through the Mill' Project.Taoiseach waffles before Baghdad burnsAengus Ó Snodaigh, has accused the Taoiseach of "hiding behind a veil of secrecy" in relation to the war on Iraq.Support for Colombia Three in CanadaA social-political evening celebrating International Women's Day in Montreal saw support for the Colombia 3.Dublin selects MacDonald for EuropeMary Lou MacDonald, Sinn Féin representative for Dublin West, has been nominated for next year's EU election in Dublin.Taking liberties with our libertiesWake up and watch the erosion of civil liberties - here in Ireland, in Europe, in the western world at large.Community groups debate partnershipThe news content this week is perhaps the perfect backdrop to discuss Sustaining Progress, writes ROBBIE SMYTH.Developing the new Six Counties!Sinn Féin representatives and activists from both sides of the border met last week to discuss practical measures to tackle economic neglect in the North West.21 March - Day Against RacismFriday 21 March marks International Day Against Racism, which falls this year during European Week Against Racism (16-23 March).Ferris meets student leadersMartin Ferris, Sinn Féin TD for Kerry North has taken up the issue of the reintroduction of Third Level fees.
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West Papua - Still struggling for freedom Prisoner forced into self-immolation
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