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Work in progressAfter 48 hours of intense negotiations at Hillsborough, Sinn Féin has succeeded in making substantial progress on all of the issues on which it has been pressing the British government, but the message from the republican leadership was that much remains to be thrashed out. moreSectarian attacks escalate in AntrimA Catholic family of four was attacked by a gang of known UDA men in the Castle shopping centre in the middle of Antrim TownA party slowly becoming irrelevantThe Ulster Unionists may not be the only party who might be relieved that the Stormont Assembly has not been reinstated in time for the elections on 1 May, writes FERN LANESoldiers contradict Para lineA former member of the Parachute Regiment has told the Saville Inquiry about conflicting order on Bloody Sunday.Thompson family wins judicial reviewThe family of a Derry mother who was shot dead by British soldiers in 1971 has welcomed a High Court decision to grant them a judicial review into her killing.Brits flood Clady/GlebePeople in Tyrone are incensed at unparalleled levels of Crown Force activity in the last fortnight.PSNI harass Sinn Féin councillorewry Sinn Féin councillor Davy Hyland has complained he was stopped and detained in Crossmaglen by members of the PSNI and British Army.Belfast celebrates its Irish language at City HallBelfast will recognise the contribution of the Irish language community to the city on Thursday 6 March.Vigil for teen death driver victimHundreds gathered at the junction of the Whiterock and Springfield Roads on Saturday 1 March for a candle light vigil.New mural unveiled at BeechmountA new mural in Beechmount, West Belfast, was unveiled at the weekend by veteran republican Billy Herrity.Moley and Burns honouredOn Sunday 2 March the 15th annual commemoration of Volunteers Brendan Moley and Brendan Burns took place in south Armagh.Republican Christmas Card AppealBrendan Curran, a Sinn Féin councillor in Newry, is an avid collector of Republican Christmas Cards.It started with a strikeJOANNE CORCORAN looks at the history and significance of International Women's Day, which falls this year on March 8.Eyewitness IntifadaCaoimhe Butterly is back in Ireland, where she is speaking out about the suffering and struggle of the Palestinian people.Colombian witness suffers 'memory loss'The Colombia 3 trial resumed on Tuesday in the city of Medellin with prosecution witness John Alexander Rodriguez Caviedes giving evidence for the third time.Sinn Féin leaders visit US for St Patrick's DaySinn Féin President Gerry Adams will be travelling to the US on 13 March for a series of engagements and will remain there until the 17th.Bank robberyCan't pay, won't pay. That was the message from not just the banking community and the Minister for Finance, writes ROBBIE SMYTHBHS faces boycott after owner's anti-Irish commentsThe billionaire British businessman, Phillip Green, is facing a boycott of his shops after making anti-Irish remarks.Family devastated by uncaring governmentMany TDs joined a picket of Leinster House, last Thursday, 27 February, to protest against the government policy of deportation of asylum seekers.Patten reforms should be introduced in 26 CountiesOne-day seminar entitled A Human Rights Approach to Policing was organised by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties last week.Shock at Indaver incinerator decisionAn Bord Pleanála this week granted planning permission for Ireland's first municipal waste incinerator.Government to ignore Lockout anniversarySinn Féin TD Seán Crowe has expressed his disappointment at the failure to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the 1913 Lockout.Students face fees battleThe Union of Students in Ireland has been left reeling after a week of setbacks.
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Ghaeilge agus an Dlí Pleanála
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