Republican News ยท Thursday 26 June 2003

[An Phoblacht]

Labour MP tables McBride motion

Labour MP Kevin McNamara has tabled a motion in the British House of Commons calling for cross-party support for Jean McBride's fight to end the military careers of Scots Guardsmen Mark Wright and James Fisher, who were found guilty of killing her 18-year-old son Peter in 1992.

The soldiers were sentenced to life imprisonment only to be released by the then British Secretary of State Mo Mowlam in 1998 after serving only six years and allowed back into the army.

In Belfast Court of Appeal last week, three presiding judges decided by two to one that the British Army was wrong not to dismiss the two soldiers, but stopped short of ordering the army to throw them out.

In his early day motion, McNamara is calling for the British government to accept the ruling of the court and respond appropriately.

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